
Redback Pest Control Brisbane


Pest invasion in your home or workplace can significantly impact hygiene and health. In many cases, a significant infestation requires professional help to be eradicated effectively.

The redback spider is a venomous Australian spider with a distinctive red stripe on its back. The bite is often fatal if not treated immediately with antivenom. It causes pain at the bite site, sweating, and nausea. To know more about Redback Pest Control, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.

Redback spiders are dangerous and they live in sheltered, dry areas like garden sheds, logs, toilet seats and rubbish. They have a bite that can be fatal or cause ulcers and infection. People get bitten by them when they disturb them while gardening or doing everyday household chores like cleaning. The best way to prevent a redback spider infestation is to hire a professional residential pest control service.

They will spray your entire property including cracks and crevices where the spiders lurk. They will also do a thorough check inside your gutters to make sure there are no holes or gaps that could be the entry point for them. You can also reduce the chance of a redback invasion by limiting places where they can hide by regularly cleaning and tidying your house, garden and sheds. It’s important to clear up any debris and woodpiles that might be around your property. Similarly, don’t leave toys or outdoor equipment lying around outside when you’ve finished with them.

The Redback spider is a carnivorous predator and primarily feeds on insects, but it can also prey on vertebrates such as snakes and lizards. The spider can also be a dangerous hazard to humans when it invades buildings and other human structures, where it hunts for food and shelter.

The female redback spider is medium-sized and black with a distinctive red stripe on the abdomen. Males are smaller and lack the distinctive red markings. Both species tend to build their webs in dry, sheltered spaces such as sheds and garages, garden beds, bushes and fencing; and in sub-floor and roof voids.

Regular sightings of a large number of redbacks in your home may indicate an infestation problem. Contact a pest control expert to identify and remove the spiders. You can help minimise the risk of a redback infestation by regularly inspecting and sealing cracks and crevices around your home, keeping vegetation trimmed and managing outdoor lighting.

While the majority of redbacks’ prey is insects, they also eat lizards and snakes, and even other spiders. Only female redbacks can bite humans, and a bite can be deadly, although this is very rare now that antivenom is available.

These lethal predators spin untidy, tangled funnel-like webs that trap prey in a sticky silk and glue it to the web surface. They often build these webs near sheltered, used outdoor areas such as sheds, roof voids, and under garden furniture. They are particularly common in Australia’s hotter climates.

They are nocturnal and stay hidden during the day, emerging at night to repair their webs and hunt for food. If they bite pets they inject a potent venom that can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and muscle cramping. The venom contains a-latrotoxin that affects the nervous system and muscles of your pet and can be fatal if not treated immediately. If you notice your pet shows symptoms of being bitten by a redback, call an emergency pest control service in Brisbane immediately.

Though redback spiders have a mild venom, bites can still cause severe pain, muscle weakness and in some cases death. Antivenom is available and can effectively treat victims.

Male and female redbacks are distinguished by the prominent red stripe on their backs. The male’s abdomen is also smaller than the female’s.

They often nest in dry places such as sheds, farm machinery and stacked materials. They may also be found in the bush, under logs or rocks.

Redback spiders have a unique web, known as a funnel-web. Though the web’s tangle of threads appear random, they are actually strategically placed for support and to trap prey. To know more about Redback Pest Control, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.

It’s recommended to hire a professional pest controller if you see redback spiders around your home. The pest control expert will identify and eliminate their hiding spots. Eliminating hiding places will make it more difficult for the spiders to re-infest your property. They will use a combination of spray and spider web removal methods to ensure the safety of you and your family.