While the scare of COVID has long departed, the effects still remain. We’re not speaking about the disease in itself, but rather how the tiny little virus changed our lives so much. Nobody was untouched by the pandemic – some succumbed to the disease, some fell sick but were fortunately back, while others lost people, lost jobs, lost business. Everything changed. How people looked at life changed. How people worked changed. And, one significant change that we saw regarding the working patterns was the increase in work-from-home jobs. People began working from the safety of their homes, to be as much away as possible from contracting the disease. We thought once the virus goes away, things will be back to normal. Well, most things have certainly gone back to normal, but one thing that lingers is the attitude towards work.
Work from home – A challenge for employers
Even after the pandemic has subsided, people still want to carry on with their patterns of working from home. They want to adopt the work-from-home style of working on a permanent note. It not only brings comfort and ease, but also helps people balance work and life better, and stay closer to their loved ones, even while at work. This, although proving to be beneficial to the employees, seems to be a cause of worry for the employers. That’s because there is no supervision over what the employees are doing during work hours, and how the work is being managed. Most companies have seen a decline in delivery of daily targets before the working hours are over, ever since the work-from-home trend has gained popularity. Daily targets cannot be supervised and managed like they would be in a physical office environment. Cultivating productivity thus becomes difficult without in-person supervision like in physical office spaces. Furthermore, when a physical environment is absent, there is a decline in collaboration too. The physical separation of the remote team can prevent sparks of new ideas and innovations. Although there are video calls and all sorts of software and technology to keep up with, there’s nothing like a physical office environment!
Recruitment amidst these challenges
Productivity, supervision, collaboration, and results are becoming more and more difficult to achieve with the trending work-from-home curve. And if all of this wasn’t enough, another challenge is when employers have to fill up vacant positions in their organization with new members, especially if all those positions are being approached with a demand to permit work-from-home policies. Candidates applying for a job demand remote working opportunities because they think work-from-home is not just about eliminate commute, and instilling comfort, but it’s also a huge matter of trust. If your company has work-from-home policies, candidates believe you trust them to accomplish their work without supervising them at all times, and requiring multiple layers of approvals. When such trust is instilled, employees are happy; and happy employees help an organization make money!
But, when it is about recruiting someone new, how can you bring in the trust factor? How can you trust someone you don’t know, and haven’t worked with? Well, should you be expecting to deal with such a challenge, contact WalkWater Talent Advisors for the most effective solutions. This is one of the top executive search firms in Bangalore who has been dealing with recruiting candidates for a host of high-level positions in companies from a diverse range of industries. With a deep market connect, a reputation, and ability to connect the dots, the firm has been delivering each time, by looking beyond the resume or industry experience to find the most suitable candidates for a role. With having served more than 350 clients, and more than 800 leadership searches successfully completed, the firm has a strong foothold and is capable to bring to you the most fitting candidates for every role, one you can “trust” to develop a long-term relationship with, and one who can raise your levels of success over time.