
Exam Guide for EFOG-EBCOG 2024: Sequential Application

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StudyMEDIC @StudyMEDIC1 · Feb 6, 2024














The EFOG-EBCOG qualification is the first step towards establishing a reputable medical practice in Europe. The knowledge and clinical abilities of candidates with a focus on obstetrics and gynaecology are the main subjects of analysis in the EFOG tests administered by the European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. We will go into great detail regarding the steps that you must follow in order to apply for the EFOG-EBCOG exam here.

How to Apply for the EFOG-EBCOG exam?

The online application for EFOG-EBCOG will be accessible. Candidates must complete this form and submit it online with the required supporting materials. Recall that European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG) will not accept applications sent on paper.

EBCOG will not accept applications that are incomplete. Therefore, candidates must make sure that their application is completed accurately and that the necessary supporting documentation has been sent with it. The main application document required to apply for the EFOG EBCOG Part 1 exam is your basic medical degree certificate. Applicants must to possess a licence to practise medicine and be registered with the National Medical Council (NMC). A copy of your identity card or passport is needed. Additionally, the EBCOG authority will confirm that the applicant possesses the required clinical expertise. Certificates of clinical experience must be submitted in scanned copy. Furthermore, EBCOG advises providing proof of good standing.

Check Your Eligibility

1. Applicants must be medical professionals with a main medical degree.

2. Applicants need to be listed on the country’s Medical Practitioners Register.

3. After completing the training programme for a minimum of three years, one is qualified to take the EFOG Part 1 exam.

Section Two The National Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society/Authorities state that exams can be taken up to six months prior to the conclusion of the training course.

5. Three years after becoming eligible, the EFOG Part 2 exam must be finished.

Candidates must retake Part 1 if they are unable to finish Part 2 within three years.

Candidates need to submit proof from the Head of Department, Employing Authority, or Medical Council attesting to their good standing.

Applicants cannot have been recently barred from practicing medicine by a hospital, medical council, or other organisation.

Candidates must certify that they are not currently facing any disciplinary actions from anywhere in the globe, past or present, related to their clinical practice.

Prior to the application opening date, the Official EBCOG website will be updated with information about the online application process. First come, first served policy applies to the acceptance of applications. You must confirm that the application was received on time.

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