
Understanding Wrongful Eviction: Your Guide to Finding the Best Eviction Lawyer Near You

While there are valid reasons for a landlord to move out of a tenant, such as inability to pay rent or a breach of the rental contract, there are also numerous instances where a tenant is wrongly expelled.


According to Statista, “ Approximately 2.1 million tenants said they were extremely likely or slightly probable to be evicted in June 2023. Nonetheless, this percentage was higher in the comparable period in 2022, when nearly 3.5 million renters dreaded evictions.” The data is as intriguing and more complicated than the procedure itself. 



Thus, in this blog, we will help you to search for an eviction lawyer near me. We will explore in detail and accurately to help you with the eviction process.


What Is Wrongful Eviction?


Being driven away from home can be an exhausting procedure. Wrongful eviction occurs when a landlord forces a tenant to move out illegally. There are numerous ways in which an eviction can be regarded as wrongful, including:


  • The property owner did not give appropriate notice before starting the eviction process.
  • The eviction was predicated on fraudulent allegations of lease infractions.
  • An eviction is a form of reprisal towards the tenant.
  • The eviction breaches fair housing regulations by discriminating against the protected classes.
  • The landlord altered the locks or turned off utilities in order to push the renter out.
  • A wrongful eviction lawyer can assist you in determining whether or not your eviction is illegal. They will assess your situation, analyze your lease agreement, and ensure that the landlord follows proper procedures.


Wrongful Eviction Defenses

There are numerous legal defenses an attorney might utilize in unjust eviction cases:


1. Not a proper Notice

 If the landlord fails to provide adequate notification or serve you properly, the action may be rejected.


2. Landlords Retaliate 

It is illegal to evict a tenant for protesting or asserting their rights.


3. Inequality 

It is prohibited to evict anyone based on protected qualities such as race, gender, or handicap.


4. Failing to upkeep the facility 

 Failure to maintain livable circumstances is a breach of the warranty of habitability and may be used to defend against eviction.


5. Landlord Accepted Rent 

 If the landlord accepts rent after issuing an eviction notice, the eviction may be illegal. An experienced eviction lawyer near you will understand which defenses are applicable to your wrongful eviction case or the eviction case as a whole. Obtaining legal assistance significantly increases your chances of attaining a favorable outcome.


What Is The Legal Process Of Eviction?


  • Eviction rules differ by state and municipality, but the procedure for eviction is generally consistent. A landlord sends a letter of eviction to their tenant, offering them an assortment of days to pay rent, repair any losses, or take care of the issue which contributed to the foreclosure.
  • If the time limit passes without settlement, the landlord may launch an eviction complaint against the tenant. Furthermore, to the expulsion, the complaining party or landlord may seek monetary compensation for overdue rent, utility charges, harm to property, late charges, and court expenses.
  • Cases are often handled in district courts, small-claims tribunals, or housing authorities. Both landlords and tenants have to participate and can request representation from a lawyer. Courts require evidence of wrongdoing, such as images, emails, text messages, additional records, and testimony from witnesses, to corroborate each party's claim.
  • A court examines testimony and considers facts before determining whether to allow or refuse a landlord's lawsuit request. In addition, the judge can determine if and how significant financial compensation should be awarded in the circumstances.



Think about criteria such as expertise, image, communication, cost, and personal compatibility when selecting an eviction lawyer who will argue diligently on your behalf and assist you in obtaining the best possible outcome in your case. With an eviction lawyer near me, you can obtain a better grasp of your rights as a tenant and landlord.


If you are an eviction lawyer in Ventura County and need a paralegal service to aid with your cases, you are on the right website. BPCS Law has the best team of paralegals working diligently and meticulously for the protection of the law! Contact us for more!