
Precautions to Take While Driving in the Winter

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Fusion 360 @Fusion_360 · Jan 12, 2022


Ice on the road is a threat to safety because it makes driving a challenge. It is no wonder that many drivers run into more accidents during winter than in the summer. If you find yourself in a situation like it, a car accident attorney from Robert J. DeBry & Associates could represent you.


The following tips could help you avoid car accidents in the winter weather.


Slow Down

A cardinal rule when driving on icy or snow is to drive slowly. Acceleration, turning, and stopping take more time than usual in such road conditions. Driving slowly makes it easier for you to maneuver the vehicle.

Reduce the Brake Action


Applying brakes commonly cause cars to slide, and you could lose control of the vehicle. Even if you're using antilock brakes, be careful because they do not work properly on snow or ice. So, avoid using your brakes too much because your steering may not help change the car's direction if the car slides.


Put On Your Seat Belt

Wearing a seat belt is a no-brainer, but when your mind is preoccupied, you may forget it. A number of the fatalities during winter occur because the car occupants do not have their seat belts strapped on.


Know That Accidents Can Occur

Even if you're driving carefully, there is the chance of an out-of-control car driving into you. Keep this in mind so that you watch out for other road users. If an accident happens, call a car accident attorney for legal advice on handling the situation.


Contact Robert J. DeBry & Associates

When the roads are icy, the best thing to do is to remain where you are until the threat has passed. But, if you urgently need to get somewhere and unfortunately run into an accident, call Robert J. DeBry & Associates. They will provide you with a car accident attorney who is equipped to help you figure out the legal aspects of the accident. Call 801-699-9999 for more information.