
Dr. K R Balakrishnan best heart transplant surgeon in the world

Dr. K R Balakrishnan best heart transplant surgeon in the world is the first in India to use a novel organ tracking system that preserves hearts donated for transplant up to 3 times longer than modern techniques.
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Frances Mays @Frances_Mays · Mar 8, 2022



#DrKRBalakrishnan best #hearttransplantsurgeon in the #world is the first in #India to use a #novelorgantrackingsystem that preserves #heartsdonated for transplant...
Appointment for Call - +91-9370586696
Email us - drbalakrishnan@indiacardiacsurgerysite.com
Read more on - https://www.freeprnow.com/pr/dr-k-r-balakrishnan-use-a-novel-organ-monitoring-system-for-heart-transplant-surgery