
The Advantages of The Miyawaki Forest in India

In the last few decades, Indian subways and megacities have lost more than fifty percent of their green coverage. This has increased the need for solutions in which densely populated forest areas can be created in small areas.


In the wake of a climate breakdown, Miyawaki Forest in India is a great addition to the environment. It is a unique approach to afforestation and ecological restoration. This technique was introduced by a Japanese botanist, Akira Miyawaki. In the 1970s, he began to plant young native plant species, including trees, shrubs, and grasses, in tight groves to restore degraded lands. During his lifetime, Miyawaki has planted more than 1500 such forests. These forests were planted in Japan, Southeast Asia, Brazil, and India.



The Miyawaki plantation method involves creating multi-lattice forests. These forests rapidly grow and replicate the biodiversity of native forests. These forests are a viable alternative for creating green spaces in metro cities, as they can be grown even on small patches of land. These forests require no maintenance after a two to three year period.


This method is not just unique; it also restores native habitats using native trees. The plants used in this method are usually self-sustaining and don’t require regular maintenance such as manure and watering. In this method, trees grow to their full length and become self-sustaining, usually within three years.


The Advantages of Miyawaki Forest India


Rapid Forest Development:


Miyawaki forests have a rapid growth rate. Trees in these forests reach maturity in a shorter span of time in comparison to conventional plantations. The dense Miyawaki Forests in India are capable of growing ten times faster and a hundred times richer in biodiversity.




Miyawaki Forests in India are also cost effective and they require less initial cost of funds. Such costs may include installing a watering system, labor costs for planting and the cost of saplings, soil additives, and other costs involved in the first few years of development.


High Biodiversity:


The Miyawaki Method involves planting a wide array of native species in close proximity to each other. These forests become thriving habitats for birds, insects, and other wildlife and contribute to the overall health and resilience of the ecosystem.


Improved Soil Quality


As the soil preparation is careful in the Miyawaki Method, it leads to enrichment of soil fertility and structure.


Noise and Air Pollution Reduction:


They also contribute to improving air quality by absorbing pollutants and particulate matter, thereby reducing the levels of air pollution. With their dense vegetation, these forests can contribute to improving local air quality.


Sustainable Water Management:


The dense vegetation of Miyawaki Forest India acts like a natural sponge. It helps absorb rainfall and reduce water runoff.


Regulates Surface Temperature


Miyawaki urban forest helps in regulating surface temperature, especially in urban areas where the urban heat island is an important concern.

Miyawaki for Urban Biodiversity Conservation is fast catching up in urban areas as it mimics the look and feel of the natural environment. These forests are a great way to implement green spaces in urban areas.


Source URL: https://sites.google.com/view/ashokseedplant/home