
Whose "election" is it?



“I haven't left my house in days. I watch the news channels incessantly. All the news stories are about the election; all the commercials are Viagra and Cialis.

Election, erection, election, erection!

Either way we're screwed!”

Bette Midler

Well, it is certainly interesting to debate the political positions of various candidates and while it WOULD SEEM very important to select the proper candidate to RE-present the voice of the people, it may be more important to wonder if there isn’t a bigger issue that one should be thinking about.


As Rod Serling once opined: Submitted for your consideration:

 1. Is there evidence of a much larger global initiative than the US election?

Google is your friend.(more or less, as it has shown to be subservient to the CIA) Even on many private forums, public blogs there are hundreds/thousands of posts and pointing out very clear patterns of a concentrated and determined group of people (and we will be advantaged by omitting labels as they change religions and “nationality” with the wind.) who are influencing the direction of humanity. 

2.  How long has this been going on?

We can observe the same pattern of control for at least the last 2000 years. Evidence exists that most published history is simply a set of lies that is agreed upon; we merely need to acknowledge that history is written by the victors, and recognize that discernment is needed. The overall pattern is clearly visible and we should notice when truth leaks out, it is generally dismissed or ignored by the herd at first;


Jimmy Carter: The U.S. Is an "Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery"


The US is an oligarchy, study concludes Report by researchers from Princeton and Northwestern universities suggests that US political system serves special interest organisations, instead of voters.


Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex


John Kennedy Warns of Secret societies


It didn’t just start here in the US. Sure it was identified by Andrew Jackson and many other presidents, the roots go back much further. There is a reason there is a pyramid on the dollar bill.


Let’s just start with the bondage meme created in Egypt by the Pharaoh’s which splintered into fractal variations across the planet like dandelion tufts.



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The seeds of oppression are sown for each “flavor” of religion or government (govern meaning to control, and ment from mental – mind control) morphing into local customs and languages so as to be accepted by the populace and camouflaging the root. Without much effort we can observe 100 generations of pyramidal power memes over the planet. We should observe how quickly minds/attitudes can change in just 2 or 3 generations and may fail to have a proper perspective of the power and impact of significant changes in this country over the last 120 years. (Federal Reserve ACT 1913, Kitty Hawk 1903, television 1950’s, computers 1970’s to mention just the tip of the iceberg and get you to enlarge your view of how quickly things can change. The rate of change is now accelerated by the interaction of people across the globe on the net.  There are THOUSANDS of significant changes, but one constant escapes detection, the larger deception, the elephant in the room. The good news is that once we acknowledge the deception, things can change for the better very quickly.)

3. If we can accept the first two premises, what makes anyone think that a group of people/families who are well studied in manipulating public opinion for several thousand years have suddenly lost their Midas touch? 

a.) It is well established in the mainstream press, the alternative press, and the local coffee shops that the general population does not like the direction of the “country”. 

b.) If the people know it, controllers know it.

c.) By observation, controllers abhor risk and take steps to control ALL processes, DECADES in advance. This type of long term thinking has been eliminated in the general public by two or three generations of learned behavior which focuses only on short term quarterly performance.

d.) We have compelling evidence of mass surveillance and reporting information since WWII, (rat out your neighbor i.e. George Soros style), and new technology today has replaced the human element (since humans sometimes think for themselves), improving data gathering and refining the predictive ability of those inclined to shape opinions. We have evidence that this effort has expanded into biological control, the very essence of life, via overt control of the food, water, drugs and ideas you put into your body. (Monsanto, fluoride, vaccines, nano-technology in chemtrails, FDA “Administering” “legal” drugs, control of the “illegal” drug trade as well as TELL a VISION.)  ALL controlled by the same hidden hand(s).

Yet, they can’t control an election?

e.) The controlled “alternative” media is pandering to the desire for change and redirecting people to focus on a controlled election instead of making the obvious connection; “meet the new boss, same as the old boss”. Alternative (controlled/influenced) media post videos of alleged secret inside information from a “deep throat” former staffer telling you that the controllers are running scared and things aren’t what they appear.  That much is true, things aren’t what they appear, but most are focused on the magician’s left hand while the right is still picking their pocket.  “Meet the Press” and the controlled / influenced blogs are designed to divert attention from the main issue that this is a private election for corporate interests, and to keep the masses preoccupied with who will win their election rather than pondering what to do about the real issue. If the PEOPLE don’t change their thinking, neither will the system.

f.) Therefore, we recognize that controllers would put up with a legitimate “Trump/Sanders type”, who resonates with the public opinion that “change” is needed. (the only platform anyone runs on) Tastefully dressed in the same “change” that was draped over Barry, but cleverly designed to pull you into their corporate election.   A careful scrutiny of history may give one pause, unless you are a Cubs fan and think “this time it will be different”.  Even IF Trump is exactly the change that he and his supporters say he is, it doesn’t matter. He will find corporate handlers at his first White House briefing. History is littered with “martyrs” who go “off script” and if Trump truly represented a legitimate threat to the system, there are several simple shopworn steps which could be tossed into the mix; Banks freeze his assets alleging some crime, which would be one of the most benign steps taken by those opposed to a true threat. Diebold is still a tried and true option, even if sloppily done, the litigation (in controlled corporate courts) would easily take 4 years. We can skip the more tired, frayed and obvious “lone nutter”, “mysterious plane crashes”, “heart attacks”, used in the past by what must one must agree are the most RUTHLESS people on the planet.

g.) It is a well established fact that the United States is a corporation and not a country. This election is for the United States Corporation which is owned and controlled by the same shadow hands (review item 2). This evidence is so exhaustive, overwhelming and freely available that posting the evidence here would be beating a dead horse’s fossil. (click here for one of thousands of similar notices)

h.) It is a well established fact that the election is determined by the (controlled) Electoral College, who have published in plain view; notice that these electorates do not have to vote with the majority of the “registered” voters. Critics charge that the Electoral College allows a dangerous possibility: the election of a President who has not won in the popular vote. The possibility became fact in the 1888 election and again in 2000.  We have ample evidence in plain sight that they do not always vote with the majority which only serves to confirm item G, that the controlled board members of the Electoral College actually elects the corporate president.

i.) A thoughtful person may recognize the pervasive pattern of undeniable INFILTRATION of ANY organization of decency and POWER – ranging from The United States of America, the Catholic Church, Islam, Government of China, Russia and so on, by these ORGANIZED and DETERMINED people.


The only thing that those in control really fear would be a planetary population of critical thinkers who can piece together the evidence and take steps INDIVIDUALLY mold their personal behavior to not finance their own demise, and collectively refuse to participate in any organization / corporation / country /secret society which oppose the essence of conscious thinking.


Or maybe they don’t fear that. Maybe they would welcome it? Maybe Occam’s razor is appropriate and they operate on the premise “If you don’t have the capacity to reason and think for yourself, then you will think what we tell you to think until you grow up.”


This realization is far scarier than having small group of controllers / psychopaths / lizard people running the planet because history suggests common sense and reason is never common.


The planet has always been governed by the collective insanity of the people. Some are just better at getting in front of the parade.


So what can you do? Well, you can consider finding a web discussion group of like minded people but popular forums are often infiltrated as well.  You may research topics on elections or other “taboo” topics, but many members of any “controversy church” (read: conspiracy) are close minded advocates of their “new found” religion and will thwart any reasonable discussion opposing them, sort of a mirror of the system. So if you can’t find the e-harmony of like minded individuals, you may have to sit alone in quiet contemplation.


In fact, unless you have a handy supply of pitchforks and torches and a network of similar minds, about the only thing that you can do is to quietly reflect on the actions you take each day and ask yourself if what you are doing is harming other people or the environment.  Be careful of the excuses you give if you are. (i.e. “If I don’t do it, someone else will”, or “one little elephant tusk on my dresser can’t hurt.”) The problem is systemic and is merely layer upon layer of excuses we sell to ourselves. We are collectively dying a death by a thousand little seemingly insignificant paper cuts. You don’t have to change the world, just change yourself.


If each one of the people of the planet took conscious control of their thinking and began to act in their true nature and instinct vs. blindly following the equally visionless unthinking herd, things would turn around very quickly.  Responsibility becomes natural, people begin to embrace it, and the “herd” now becomes your servant because those who don’t think and act for themselves will follow your wise direction.


You VOTE for your world with your actions EVERY DAY, not just once every four years.