
4 Things You Need To Consider When Vaccinating Your Dog

If you own pets at home, you should know that vaccinating and revaccinating them is crucial to prevent the onset of severe illnesses. However, different vets might have different protocols when it comes to vaccinating animals. Therefore, as you look for dog vaccination in Placerville, you might also want to consider a few things before vaccinating your dog. Below are some ideas to help you get started.


Ask your vet to do a complete check-up on your pet to ensure that your furry baby is safe for the vaccination.


Vaccines should not be given if your pet has a fever or other health problems. It should be given only to healthy animals. Therefore, your vet should do a complete examination of your pet before they insert the syringe.


Try to calm your dog.


Some dogs do not mind getting injections, and they do not even realize they are given a shot! However, other pets are afraid of needles and will yowl instantly at the prick. If this occurred the first time you vaccinated your pup, the next time you walk into a vet clinic, you should request the vet to use a thinner needle. Before giving the injection, you can also comfort your dog as much as you can. You can hug them, rub their hands and paws, or give them loads of kisses. This way, it will help calm the dog even at the time when the vet gives your pet the injection.


Distract your pet when giving them a vaccine.


Some pets are terrified when they see needles. When you take your furry baby for a dog vaccination in Placerville, you can carry some treats to give them before and after the vaccination. While being injected, you can hold them firmly, and try to talk to them, lift one of their front legs and tap on their nose to divert their attention from the needle.


After the injection, you might also notice that your pet is slightly dull and might not eat well. If this continues for more than 24 hours, do not hesitate to take them to the vet.


Keep track of the revaccination dates.


It is significant to keep track of the dates for revaccination. Some vaccinations are meant to be given after six months, and others manually, and so on. So make sure you keep a reminder and ensure that your pet gets vaccinated on time. You can also look for a dog vaccination in Placerville and set appointments beforehand.


Vaccinations are essential to make sure your pet is healthy, safe, and free from illnesses. As you look for a dog vaccination in Placerville, you can also consider these few tips mentioned in this guide.