

Hossein MoshiriFebruary 07, 2024



CEFIC Eurochlor and Collaborative Initiatives: The chemical industry is a cornerstone of modern society, providing essential products and innovations that drive economic growth. At the heart of the European chemical sector is CEFIC (The European Chemical Industry Council), a pivotal organization working in tandem with Eurochlor and other bodies to shape policies, foster sustainability, and advocate for responsible practices. In this article, we explore the relationships between CEFIC, Eurochlor, and other similar organizations, with a specific focus on the caustic soda product.

CEFIC: Pioneering the European Chemical Industry

CEFIC stands as the voice of the European chemical industry, representing over 29,000 member companies. Their mission revolves around advocating for policies that promote innovation, sustainability, and competitiveness within the chemical sector. Through collaborations with policymakers and stakeholders, CEFIC plays a crucial role in ensuring responsible chemical practices across Europe.

Visit CEFIC’s official website here.

Eurochlor: Navigating the Chlor-Alkali Landscape

Within the umbrella of CEFIC, Eurochlor operates as a specialized sector group with a focus on chlor-alkali products, including the significant player, caustic soda. Eurochlor brings together companies involved in the production, distribution, and application of chlor-alkali products, fostering cooperation and knowledge exchange within the industry.

Explore Eurochlor’s initiatives here.

Caustic Soda: A Versatile Chemical in Focus

Caustic soda, or sodium hydroxide (NaOH), takes center stage within the chlor-alkali family. This robust chemical compound, with its strong alkaline properties, finds applications across diverse industries.

Production of Caustic Soda:

Caustic soda is primarily produced through the electrolysis of sodium chloride (NaCl) in a process known as the chlor-alkali process. The collaborative efforts of CEFIC and Eurochlor ensure that the production process aligns with high environmental and safety standards.

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Applications of Caustic Soda:

  1. Pulp and Paper Industry:
  • Caustic soda contributes to paper and pulp production by aiding in the breakdown of lignin during the pulping process.
  1. Chemical Manufacturing:
  • It serves as a key raw material in the synthesis of various chemicals, such as plastics, dyes, and pharmaceuticals.
  1. Textile Industry:
  • Caustic soda is used for mercerization, enhancing the strength and luster of textiles.
  1. Water Treatment:
  • In water treatment, it facilitates pH adjustment and the removal of heavy metals from wastewater.
  1. Alumina Production:
  • The Bayer process for alumina production involves the use of caustic soda.

CEFIC, Eurochlor, and Collaborative Initiatives:

These organizations actively engage in initiatives promoting sustainability, responsible chemical management, and innovation in the chlor-alkali sector, particularly in the production and application of caustic soda.

Other Bodies and Collaborations:

CEFIC collaborates with other organizations such as the European Commission and national authorities to develop and implement regulations that ensure the safe and sustainable use of chemicals.


CEFIC, Eurochlor, and other collaborative bodies play instrumental roles in advancing the European chemical industry and ensuring the responsible production and use of caustic soda. Through these partnerships, caustic soda continues to contribute significantly to various industries, reflecting a commitment to innovation and sustainable practices.


For more information on collaborative initiatives, visit the CEFIC Collaborations page.



Source: https://chemkraft.ir/en/cefic-eurochlor-and-collaborative-initiatives/