

  • On the Case with Paula Zahn
  • Evil Lives Here
  • Nightmare Next Door
  • Deadly Women
  • The Murder Tapes
  • People Magazine Investigates
  • The Perfect Murder
  • Deadline Crime with Tamron Hall
  • Breaking Homicide
  • Dark Minds
  • Caught on Camera: The Untold Stories
  • Fear Thy Neighbor
  • The Case that Haunts Me
  • Swamp Murders
  • Murder Comes to Town
  • Angel of Delay
  • Evil Twins
  • Vanity Fair Confidential
  • Alaska: Ice Cold Killers
  • Redrum
  • How not to kill your Husband
  • Dates from Hell
  • Your Worst Nightmare



How to stream and watch Investigation Discovery shows on Roku?


Proceed with the instructions below to stream and watch Investigation Discovery shows on Roku:


  1. At first, scroll to the left side of the screen and highlight Streaming channels.
  2. Now, you can see a lot of channels and scroll for the ID Go channel.
  3. Secondly, choose the app and verify the app's details.
  4. Moreover, install this app on Roku by selecting the Add channel option.
  5. And this must begin to install the app on the Roku device.
  6. Get back to the home screen and verify that the channel has been added to the list.
  7. Besides, select to open the app and receive the code for activation.
  8. This channel activation code will be on the TV screen.
  9. Note down this link code and open a web browser.
  10. In the URL bar, input the idgo com activate activation site and tap
  11. After that, select the cable TV provider and sign in using the credentials.
  12. On the other hand, key in the channel activation code in to the text box.
  13. Then begin the process of activation by clicking Submit.
  14. At last, the channel will initiate to activate on Roku, and then you can watch all the current shows on a big TV screen. 


Want to know how to install and activate the Investigation Discovery channel on Roku via idgo com activate, contact our professional expert squad by dialing the toll free number +1-844-608-1510.