
What are the types of XPath?

XPath is a query language used for navigating and querying XML documents. XPath provides a way to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document.




There are two main types of XPath expressions: absolute and relative.


Absolute XPath:


  • Absolute XPath starts from the root of the document and includes the complete path to the element.
  • It begins with a single forward slash ("/") representing the root node and includes all the elements along the path to the target element.
  • For example: /html/body/div[1]/p[2]/a


Relative XPath:


  • Relative XPath is more flexible and doesn't start from the root. Instead, it starts from any node in the document.
  • It uses a double forward slash ("//") to select nodes at any level in the document.
  • For example: //div[@class='example']//a[contains(@href, 'example')]


XPath can also be categorized based on the types of expressions used:


Node Selection:

XPath can be used to select nodes based on their type, such as element nodes, attribute nodes, text nodes, etc.

Example: /bookstore/book selects all <book> elements that are children of the <bookstore> element.


Path Expression:

Path expressions in XPath describe a path to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document.

Example: /bookstore/book/title selects all <title> elements that are children of the <book> elements that are children of the <bookstore> element.



Predicates are used to filter nodes based on certain conditions.

Example: /bookstore/book[price>35] selects all <book> elements that have a <price> element with a value greater than 35.



XPath provides a variety of functions for string manipulation, mathematical operations, and more.

Example: //div[contains(@class, 'example')] selects all <div> elements with a class attribute containing the word 'example'.


These types and expressions can be combined and customized to create powerful XPath queries for different XML structures. XPath is commonly used in web scraping, XML document processing, and in conjunction with tools like Selenium for web automation.