
How to Cancel ANA Airlines Flight Ticket

Passengers who wish to cancel their ANA Airlines flight ticket can do so online, by phone, or at the airport. Here's how to cancel your ANA Airlines flight ticket:



To cancel ANA Airlines flight ticket online, visit the ANA Airlines website and go to the "Manage Booking" section. Enter your reservation code and last name to access your booking. Select the flight you wish to cancel, and then follow the prompts to complete the cancellation process.


By Phone:

To cancel your ANA Airlines flight ticket by phone, call the ANA Airlines customer service center and provide your reservation code and last name. Inform the agent of the flight you wish to cancel, and then follow the prompts to complete the cancellation process.


At the Airport:

To cancel your ANA Airlines flight ticket at the airport, go to the ANA Airlines ticket counter and provide your reservation code and last name.