
4 Facts to Know About the Wisdom Teeth Extraction


Wisdom teeth are actually the molars that grow at the back of the mouth, mainly between the ages of 17 to 24. Most of the people have 4 wisdom teeth, one tooth each present at each corner of the mouth. Most of the people do not feel any pain or under any sort of bad experiences during the arrival of the wisdom teeth, but the people who are having less space in the mouth may face severe pain when the wisdom teeth come out from the gum area. Some of the symptoms of the arrival of wisdom teeth are swelling of the gum, pain, damage to the adjacent tooth and so on.

If you are one of them who are suffering from the pain due to the wisdom teeth, can immediately take help from the professional like Dentist Holbrook who will remove or extract this tooth from the area helping you to eat normally. Extraction of the wisdom tooth can also reduce the extreme pain and swell in the gum area.

Here are some of the important facts that you should know about wisdom tooth-

  1. Wisdom Extraction Is a Common Dental Process

It is said that wisdom tooth extraction is one of the most common dental procedures that are don every year. The extraction is basically a process for removing one or more than one wisdom teeth from the set. The molars are considered to the last set of molars that arrive on the set. This occurrence happens between the ages of 17 to 25 years. In an average, a person develops 4 molars. But, if you are undergoing pain while eruption of the molar, you should consult the dentist.

  1. Wisdom Tooth Extraction Is Bearable

The extraction of the tooth is carried out through a simple process. But, there is no need to fret or shout while you are extracting the tooth from the set. If you are feeling the pain, you can do a simple local anesthesia or sedation that can help you to reduce the pain during the extraction.

  1. Pain Management Is Fun

After the extraction is done, you may require having a soft liquid diet for some days like ice cream, smoothies and the yoghurt. I think everyone does enjoy this treat. Besides, these soft diet items will help you in reducing the swelling to a greater extent.

  1. There Are Various Ways to Recover

Recovery time after the extraction of the tooth does vary from person to person. If you maintain a perfect routine, you can recover within some days. If you are not recovering and still feel the pain in the gums, you can take help from an expert like Dentist Holbrook who will suggest ways to reduce the pain.

These are some of the facts that you should know regarding the wisdom teeth extraction or removal. You must take help from the dentist to make sure the tooth is perfectly removed when you feel the pain.