
6 Types Of Allergy Testing In San Antonio TX Which You Need To Know

The doctor will begin your allergy evaluation by reviewing your symptoms and other pertinent aspects of your medical history. Based on your medical history and examination findings, the physician will determine whether you require additional testing and what type of allergy testing San Antonio TX is required.




The following are some of the more common tests or procedures which are performed:-


6 Broad Categories Of Allergy Tests Or Procedures -


  • Skin allergy testing:- This test is used to evaluate suspected environmental or seasonal allergies, food allergies, insect sting allergies, and drug/medication allergies. During skin testing, the suspected allergen is applied to the skin, and the results are read after 15 minutes. Skin testing is done in two ways:- 1. Prick skin testing and 2. Intradermal skin testing.


  • Prick skin testing:- Individual solutions containing the suspected allergens are applied to the skin with a prick device.


  • Intradermal skin testing:- Individual solutions containing the suspected allergens are placed just beneath the skin's surface with a small needle. Not only allergy treatment, but also we, Advanced Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Center will be with you for your cosmetic treatment. Your allergist will determine which type of skin test is necessary. Your allergist interprets all test results.


  • Preparing for allergy skin testing:- For 5 days before your appointment, avoid all antihistamines and antihistamine-containing sleep aids. The reason for this is that antihistamines will interfere with positive skin test results, rendering them unreliable.


  • Examinations of the blood:- Some patients may require blood tests called specific IgE tests (also known as RAST) in addition to skin testing to complete their allergy evaluation. PCN testing is a reliable tool for determining which patients can receive the antibiotic safely. According to a study, between 7% and 76% of patients with a history of PCN allergy have positive PCN skin tests. Many physicians approach patients with a hazy history of PCN allergy with less caution than those with a convincing history suggestive of an IgE-mediated reaction. Specific IgE tests can be obtained in some cases where allergy skin testing is not appropriate. Patients who are unable to discontinue antihistamines or certain other medications that may affect skin test results, patients with dermatographism (in which scratching the skin causes hives), and patients with skin rashes/lesions that prevent us from accurately reading skin test results are examples of such cases. Your allergy doctor San Antonio will decide whether you need blood tests, and the results will be interpreted by your allergist based on your medical history and other findings from your evaluation. Other immune system disorders investigated with blood tests include angioedema (swelling episodes), chronic urticaria (hives), and primary immunodeficiency disorders.



  • Spirometry (lung function tests):- This is a type of lung function test that is used to screen for asthma. It is another procedure of allergy testing in San Antonio TX. Spirometry will be required for individuals who report asthma symptoms or have exam findings suggestive of asthma. This must be done at least three times to ensure consistency. The device takes measurements of lung function (called a spirometer).


Food obstacles:- This is performed on a small number of people to confirm a food allergy or to determine whether they can tolerate a food that they are currently avoiding. The food is given to the patient in small increments, beginning with a very small amount. Following each dose, there is a period of observation and assessment before the next dose is administered. The patient is subjected to an additional observation period and final evaluation following the final dose.


Drug/medication obstacle:- This is done on a small number of people to confirm a drug allergy or to see if they can tolerate a drug they are currently avoiding. The drug is given to the patient in small increments, beginning with a very small dose. Following each dose, there is a period of observation and assessment before the next dose is administered. The patient is subjected to an additional observation period and final evaluation following the final dose.


Patch evaluation:- This is used to look for an underlying trigger/agent in people who get contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis symptoms include the appearance of a rash after wearing certain metal jewelry or using a specific skin care product. The suspected agents are applied to the back as patches. After 48 hours, the patches are removed. The results are read 2 to 5 days after the patches are removed, and in some cases up to 10 days later. Water and moisture should be avoided in areas where the patches are placed unless a special moisture-proof cover is placed over the patches.


For more information on allergy testing San Antonio TX, contact us, Advanced Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Center immediately!