
Obama’s admin, in the wave of the wrath of the oppressed people!



The differences between the American government and the Congress arose when they could not reach an agreement about the approval of the budget of reforms bill in loan procedure and health care desired by Obama just in the start of October 2013 which is also the beginning of American fiscal year.

A part of expenditure of these health care reforms will be received from the well-off Americans according to Obama’s plan and the Republicans just opposed these reforms as most of the wealthy Americans belong to their group.

And some of the government institutions are paralyzed inside Washington D.C. for a whole week e.g. national museums, the statue of liberty and national parks which has badly affected the tourists while the city of Washington mostly depends on these people who enter the city and do shopping there. According to estimation, the city of Washington is facing a loss of 200 million dollars due to the taxes over the revenues of hotels and restaurants and approximately one million people have been sent home without salaries. It is unknown how long this stalemate will continue but for the past 17 years, this is the first time that the government offices are closed and the workers are sent on leave devoid of salaries. In 1996, during the Clinton era, this kind of situation had taken place for one month.

It is undoubted that someone who creates troubles for others and plays with their destinies, take undue advantage from the weakness and failings of oppressed nations for ones vested interests, will be trapped, eventually, in numerous convolutions as it is said that ‘Who he digs pit for others, shall fall himself into it’ or ‘As you sow, so shall you reap’.

The American people should realize that their politicians play with their destinies as well as the destinies of other oppressed nations for the sake of their personal vested interests. The selfish and empty minded American leaders, on one side, squeeze the blood of their own people; snatch their income, earned with great difficulty, in the name of taxes and various other excuses and then, on the other side, lavishly spent the same money in shedding the blood of the innocent and oppressed people and creating problems for them. And the examples are what the dull minded American politicians did inside Iraq and are doing today inside Afghanistan.

The American leadership should immediately abandon playing with the fate of the oppressed people for the sake of their personal interests. Instead of sucking the blood of their own people and snatching the money earned with the sweat of their forehead and then spend it on killing, torturing and irritating the oppressed people, especially the Afghans; this money should be utilized for the sake of peace and harmony of their own masses as well as for the tranquility of other peoples. There is no doubt that they (the Americans) always look for their prosperity in others disasters, the day is not far off, as it is said, that the tyrants will be turned into smoke one day in the warmth of the bereaved sigh of the oppressed nations.