
Why Is Data Entry In The COVID-19 Era Important?

COVID-19 has brought several data-related challenges, questions, and issues to the surface. The pandemic requires data to be entered, used, and shared globally like never before. Data entry services in the COVID-19 era must be accurate, efficient, and secure at all times.

Throughout the pandemic, we have seen several errors in data entry with catastrophic results. For example, in Idaho, a mistake in data entry caused hundreds of COVID-19 cases to be classified incorrectly.

In early March 2021, there was a discrepancy between the number of cases on record with Boise's Central District Health and the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Central District Health reported 39,529 confirmed cases and 7,603 probable cases in Ada County. Meanwhile, the state department showed 39,988 confirmed cases and 7,165 potential cases.

According to a district spokesperson, a data entry error occurred where probable cases were entered as confirmed cases on the state's system. The team is currently working to rectify the issue by updating the system with accurate numbers.

Fortunately, the misclassification of these cases accounted for less than one percent of the reported numbers. Consequently, it shouldn't have any significant effects on decision-making; however, it does speak to the need to improve data entry methods.

This occurrence is just of several data entry issues related to COVID-19. Because of this, data entry in the COVID-19 era stands out as an area in need of improvement and advancement. Additionally, there is an ongoing investigation into the accuracy of data entry in Texas regarding how nursing homes and assisted living facilities report COVID as the cause of death.

In September of 2020, it was reported that just under 4,500 people passed away from COVID-19 in these facilities since the beginning of the pandemic. These numbers are surprisingly low. One individual's mother contracted and passed away from COVID-19 in a nursing home; however, the facility reports zero cases and zero deaths.

The facility claimed that this inaccuracy was due to a data entry error. Because we're in a global pandemic, it is understandable that errors in data entry in the time of COVID-19 would occur. However, urgency should never take precedent over accuracy.


Ultimately, decision-makers and leaders rely on data to be accurate to make smart, informed choices that promote all people's health and safety. Lives quite literally hinge on data entry. Therefore, data entry in the COVID-19 era must be accurate, credible, and reliable.

What Are The Main Priorities For Data Entry In The Time Of COVID-19?

Data entry is not as easy as it seems. Data entry requires state-of-the-art technology, software, programming, and storage. Experts in data entry are highly trained, skilled, and experienced in this line of work.

COVID-19's impact on data entry has an entirely new phenomenon. We have never before had such urgency or the technology to inform the general public about this kind of data. Data entry must be conducted properly to keep everyone safe, informed, and healthy. In the future, the three main priorities for data entry in the time of COVID-19 should be:

  • Accuracy- Accuracy is the most crucial aspect of data entry at the time of COVID-19. Data about COVID-19 is the driving factor in several high-stakes decisions. Inaccurate data can cause decision-makers to make poor choices. Therefore, organizations must enlist skilled professionals and teams with the best tools and resources.
  • Privacy & Security - COVID-19 data must be publicly available to the average person so that everyone can stay informed and up-to-date. However, certain aspects of data, like identity-sensitive data, must be kept private and secure. Intensive security measures should be in place to protect this data.
  • Speed - Data entry in the COVID-19 era must be fast, as we are dealing with a crisis. Although we've been in a similar predicament for over a year, we must maintain urgency. Decisions to enter new phases, open up, or shut down are made quickly, so the data must be entered promptly without any errors or mistakes.


What Data Should Be Entered For COVID-19?

COVID-19 comes with a plethora of data. These numbers are essential for health experts and government officials to make intelligent, well-informed decisions, recommendations, and guidelines that promote all people's health and well-being. Listed below are some of the main COVID-19 data aspects that should be entered and reported:

  • Confirmed Cases - The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in any given area needs to be entered with the utmost accuracy and efficiency. These areas have concrete insight into how well they are minimizing the spread of COVID.
  • Probable Cases - Probable cases refer to individuals who have not tested positive for COVID-19 but have either a positive antigen test or close contact with a confirmed case. These cases are essential to keep track of because they show the bigger picture without demanding laboratory evidence.
  • Vaccines Administered - The number of vaccines administered is a good indicator of progress made. From the number of vaccines administered, we can tell what percentage of the population in a particular area can get somewhat back to normal without the risk of spreading the virus.
  • Hospitalizations - Hospitalizations due to COVID-19 have been a critical indicator for officials to make decisions about phases. If areas are going to open up or loosen regulations, they must make sure that their hospitals have enough beds available if there is a surge in confirmed cases.
  • Deaths - COVID-19 deaths must be recorded accurately and promptly. For example, Texas' error in classifying a woman's death at an assisted living facility suggested that the residence had zero deaths due to COVID when in fact, they had at least one. The failure to report this correctly looks like they could be trying to hide something.



COVID-19'S Impact On Data Entry Going Forward

As more and more people are given the vaccine, many are optimistic about overcoming COVID-19 for good. However, COVID-19's impact on data entry and other fields will last for a long time.

COVID's emergence has been entirely unprecedented. Almost every industry and sector was unprepared for the rapid spread and intensity on a global scale. COVID-19 has taught many lessons in the importance of preparedness.

In terms of data entry, COVID-19 has pushed us to improve data entry technology, tools, programs, software, and hardware quicker than ever before. Companies that specialize in data entry should allocate resources to amp up their systems to contribute to public health efforts.

While the circumstances for improving data entry are most unfortunate, COVID-19's impact on data entry has proved it to be a worthy investment. Data entry should continue to reduce errors, improve accuracy, and increase speed in the coming years.

About Us - Rely Services

Rely Services is a global business process outsourcing company that specializes in data entry. We have offered our data entry services to companies, businesses, and facilities in need throughout the pandemic.

At Rely Services, we have seen firsthand how data entry errors in the COVID-19 era can have catastrophic repercussions. We have excelled in data entry for the last two decades to help businesses achieve success. COVID-19's impact on data entry has proven that this field must prioritize accuracy, speed, and security.

To learn more about data entry in the time of COVID-19, please reach out to us. Our experts are always happy to answer questions and provide more information. Call us at (847) 310-8750 today!