
Talk in #philosophy in DarkFI IRC free room.

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MirkLint - init @Lint · Mar 12, 2025
Access Room by downloading clikc and run chat app whit pre confugured security
https://dark.fi/insights/darkfi-app-alpha-release.html  - for any platform.

Or combile a bit and join in whit any IRC client:


- there is much more then just a chat cooking. https://darkrenaissance.github.io/darkfi/misc/darkirc/darkirc.html#installation 

in 12 march 2025 , - i thought in my URL s before that its 2024 but whatever, not important right now. 
Example, of somew chat logs, and to see what is best methods, and tools to make some chat understandable or useful. 


12 march 2025 
Talk in #philosophy 11-12 march, rant draft. https://justpaste.it/darkFi_philosophy_12-04-2024 

Fixing tests: 
xAi:  https://justpaste.it/darkFi_philosophy_12-04-xAI-Grok  (best so far, begin here)

OpenAI: https://justpaste.it/darkFi_philosophy_12-04-OpenAI 

Genimi:  https://justpaste.it/darkFi_philosophy_12-04-Genimi

Bing:  https://justpaste.it/darkFi_philosophy_12-04-Bing


"Fix and improve this chat log for readability while keeping the original intent clear. Correct grammar, spelling, and structure, but keep the informal tone where appropriate." 
 - this prompt i was not able to use in openAi, as it rmeoved chat partispants, also many other methods did not work for so simple task,
nearest i was able to get whit out nerviousbreakdown was whit:

"Fix and improve this chat log for readability while keeping the original conversation flow and structure intact. Correct grammar, spelling, and sentence clarity, but do not change the order or remove speaker names. Keep timestamps, brackets, and other formatting elements that help identify who is speaking and when. Do not delete any part of the chat log, including the end—ensure the full conversation is preserved. If messages are unclear or repetitive, combine them for better clarity without losing the context or original meaning."

and :

"Summarize this chat log into a clear and structured explanation, highlighting key points. Expand on important concepts with references, links, or explanations in parentheses where relevant. Add relevant deep references, links, or explanations to enhance understanding."
