
Grocery Stores

[1] nytimes.com kroger merger 

[2] krogeralbertson.com

[3]  winsightgrocerybusiness.com FTC 

[4] progressive.org grocery prices 

[5] gao.gov inflation 

[6] investopedia.com monopolies 

[7] foodandwaterwatch.org food report 

[8] time.com food prices 

[9] cbsnews.com accountable US

[10] vox.com prices at supermarket 

[11] reuters.com merger 

[12] marketplace.org mergers hurt workers 

[13] latimes.com Errol Shweizer study 

[14] bloomberg.com wages worse 

[15] piie.com wages and inflation 

[16] openmarketinstitute.org FTC and farmers 

[17] ambrook.com supply 

[18] wga.com FTC farmers 

[19] civileats.com onion man 

[20] aecf.org food deserts 

[21] forbes.com how mergers make food deserts worse 

[22] prospect.org Albertson and Safeway 

[23] emoryeconomicsreview.org Kroger Albertson merger 

[24] joe.org  buying potential 

[25] harvard.edu farmers markets