A number of cloud computing trends have been arising as a result of increasing growth of the computing industry. Some of the top ten trends are mentioned below.
1. Cloud Services will grow significantly
There is an increase in the usage of infrastructure, platform and software as a service (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS) by organizations in order to boost their activities. Due to their simple and flexible nature they are becoming popular day by day and are expected to expand and grow in future. It is expected that the infrastructure service will be growing the fastest in the market.
2. Increase in the Storage Capacity
The storage capacity is also predicted to grow significantly. It had been 600 EB in 2017 and has since then doubled in 2018 thus it will be increasing further in 2019. People are increasingly using services like drop box and Google drive to store their documents and personal information.
3. Hybrid Cloud Solutions
The hybrid cloud solution is a flexible and efficient way through which organizations can transition at their own choice. Through this the existing infrastructure is combined with the public and private cloud making it flexible for companies having particular requirements.
4. Automation
Many people are adopting the cloud services and thus organizations have a huge number of applications and data to be managed on the cloud. There is an increase in real-time consuming jobs and such companies need automation to enable efficiency in their tasks as well as reduce costs and save time.
5. GDPR and Security
Since technology is an imperative part of the world today, it introduces infinite opportunities for innovation, although security becomes an important issue. General Data Protection Regulation will still play a role in 2019 since with increasing technology safety of data and compliance with the regulations is a necessity.
6. Quantum Computing
IBM had introduced a quantum computer which was initially a tool for researchers. Nowadays however, according to insights, around 70,000 users were previously registered to it and the number has now quadrupled. These include bog companies like Microsoft and Google. Quantum computing has made data encryption, weather and AI predictions easily achievable.
7. Cloud Based Container Systems
Cloud computing is increasingly replacing the existing hardware based systems but the cloud container systems are also seen to replace software based systems such as virtual machines.
8. Internet of Things (IoT)
The future trends in cloud computing include the IoT devices which mostly depend on the cloud to work and thus making it flexible to produce significant data according to the user patterns. A number of organizations have begun to upgrade their products such as cars and electronics to IoT linked devices which will produce data that will enhance the demand for cloud storage as well as cloud based applications.
9. Kubernetes (K8) to become De Facto Cloud Orchestrator
Google developed K8s which was based on the design of tech giant’s orchestration platform, the Borg Project. It has since grown and become the default orchestration engine for container based workloads. It is widely adopted by a large number of companies and its growth is still expected in future.
10. Server less
Many of the upcoming projects are introducing the server less models independent of the hyper-scalers. These include Amazon and Microsoft Azure which are continuously promoting the server less paradigm for computing enabling clouds to execute the codes without developers concerning about the underlying infrastructure.
People and companies all around the globe are recognizing the importance and benefits of cloud computing and thus their use continues to increase and they continue to grow significantly.