
The most important information about skydiving, its types, and how to get started.

We will clarify in this article some information about skydiving, which is a sport that many people love and others wish to try but are prevented by fear of heights. Therefore, you can try indoor skydiving in an OZONE air tunnel where you can experience the same excitement and adventure.

Indoor skydiving in the ozone air tunnel is an exciting and enjoyable sport that simulates the experience of jumping from airplanes without using a real parachute. This experience is achieved by jumping in an air tunnel where strong air currents are generated so that a person can float in the air and feel the joy of flying.

Skydiving is an exciting activity in which skydivers use parachutes to jump from airplanes, balloons, or high plateaus and land safely on the ground. It is an advanced sport that requires training and special skills to control the parachute and fly it safely.

Learn about the sport of skydiving and its safe alternative, the wind tunnel OZONE

Historically, it dates back to the World Wars I and II, where it was used as a means of dropping paratroopers in combat zones. Since then, the sport has evolved greatly and has become popular all over the world.

There are many types of parachuting, including:
