
What Steps You Should Take for Self Publishing Your Novel?

Publishing a book through traditional publishing and Kindle direct publishing UK or any other country has its own sets of benefits and the speed that you maintain for publishing the book and making it sellable depends on multiple factors.


When traditional publishing offers professional validation after vetting your work by industry experts including using their excellent distribution networking, editing and marketing support along with an advance paycheck, self publishing assures you speed, accessibility, higher profits, global reach, and above all control.


Here are a few steps you need to take when self-publishing your next novel—

Have your mindset

Start with preparing your mind that you’re good with self publishing Amazon for your upcoming novel. While researching and writing the book, you can keep updated about how to publish on your own by connecting with a reliable self-publishing studio in London.


Create a blog

Let your writing career kick start with a blog which can be a perfect platform to connect with like-minded readers who can be your die-hard writing fans in the upcoming days. Continue posting short stories in both typed and podcast formats for over a year to create a decent number of followers. Later, use this platform to disclose the launch of your new novel that you will self-publish.


Self-publish the book on Kindle

Even if you decide to self-publish on KDP, hire a book cover creator for not only the cover of the eBook but also the printed one if you intend to publish printed copies after receiving an overwhelming response.

Decide a selling margin in the first year to earn the royalties strategically.