Intra-uterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that involves placing a washed semen sample directly into the uterus. It is a less invasive procedure than in vitro fertilization (IVF) and is often used to treat mild to moderate infertility.
There are many myths and misconceptions about IUI. This blog post will debunk some of the most prevalent ones.
Myth No. 1
IUI is the same as a test-tube baby procedure.
Fact: IUI is a simple treatment mimicking placement of sperms as in intercourse but here the semen sample is washed and put into the female tract in the uterus at the time of egg release from the follicle. It has a success rate of 18-20 percent. However, in a test-tube baby procedure, fertilization happens outside the body, in a lab environment where the eggs are obtained from the female body and the sperm are collected from the male partner. The embryos are formed in a controlled and monitored environment and then transferred to the female’s uterus. IVF Success rate can be as high as 60 percent.
Myth No. 2
IUI can help in the gender selection of the baby.
Fact: In IUI treatment only the process of semen washing is carried out. This cannot separate the two kinds of sperms i:e resulting in a boy or girl embryo after fusing with egg. After washing, the semen sample will carry both kinds of sperm having chromosomes of female or male. Once the washed semen sample is released in the woman’s uterus and the fusion with the egg happens, it is not possible to ascertain the gender of the embryo.
Myth No. 3
The semen sample is directly put into the woman's vagina.
Fact: During an infertility treatment in Delhi where IUI is being carried out, the semen is not transferred directly; it is firstly washed to remove any allergens, stimulate the process of activation of sperm for fertilization, and concentrate sperms with good motility in small volume of liquid. Also, the semen sample is not placed in the vagina; it is inseminated beyond the cervix into the female’s uterus to reduce the travel time of the sperm to the egg.
Myth No. 4
There are many restrictions that a woman must follow after IUI.
Fact: IUI treatment is almost similar to trying naturally as the best sperm still has to travel and fertilize on its own. Hence after the procedure, the woman only needs to rest for 5-7 minutes, after which she can continue her regular activities without any constraints. The semen sample doesn't come out and no special precautions to be followed to aid fertilization and attachment of the embryo to result in pregnancy.
Myth No. 5
After the semen sample is released in the uterus, an ultrasound can help trace the journey of the sperm and how it fuses with the egg.
Fact: The travel of sperm to egg can not be detected or visualized through any scientific assistance, per se, ultrasound or any other microscopic device. Ultrasound can only help detect the pregnancy if and when it happens.
Myth No. 6
It is not advisable to have natural intercourse during the fertile period when the IUI is being carried out.
Fact: During the fertile window, it is recommended to have intercourse on alternate days. It ensures that the time period of the egg release is not missed and sperms are available in female tract all this while. Having intercourse around the IUI time doesn't have significant impact on the count or motility of the sperms in semen sample given for IUI.
Myth No. 7
A frozen semen sample cannot be utilized for IUI.
Fact: All the semen samples obtained from ART banks are frozen and prove to be good for IUI. Also, in some cases, the husband and wife may have to stay away for various professional reasons; in such cases, only a frozen sample is utilized for IUI and proves to be successful.
So these were a few myths that revolved around IUI. When people believe in myths, they are not able to make informed decisions.
Hope this blog has shed some light and helped to understand the IUI procedure more closely. If you are looking to conceive through IUI, make sure to approach the best fertility clinic in Delhi to transform your aspirations into reality.