
North Kurdistan/Turkey: Revenge Units Actions in Istanbul & Amed in Solidarity with Abdullah Öcalan


source (includes video of actions): https://raperinagel.com/intikam-birimleri-onder-apoya-yonelik-iskence-ve-tecride-karsi-istanbul-ve-amedde-eylem-gerceklestirdi/

translated by Nae Midion


Revenge Units organized actions in Istanbul and Amed against the torture and isolation of Leader Apo


December 18, 2022


On December 11, Şehîd Çekdar Canfeda Revenge Unit, which carried out an action in the Istanbul district of Hadımköy, announced that it punished 1 fascist guard. The statement about the Istanbul action is as follows:


Our revenge unit followed and targeted a group of 3 fascist security guards in Hadımköy on December 11. During the action against the guards, 1 guard was punished while 2 guards fled the scene in panic.


Also on December 8, a vehicle belonging to an AKP-MHP fascist in Okmeydanı was set on fire by our unit and rendered unusable.


Şehid Gelhat Gever Revenge Unit announced that it destroyed the transformer of the company supporting the AKP / MHP fascist government on the Amed / Elazîz road route last night. In a written statement, the unit called on the youth of Kurdistan to join the struggle.


The statement is as follows:


"The transformer of the company supporting the AKP-MHP fascist government on the Amed / Elazîz road route was set on fire by our units and was rendered unusable. Our call to the fascist Turkish government, which has offered nothing but tears and pain in Kurdistan for centuries, is this: The spirit of Çiyager, heval Avesta, heval Çekvar Çubuk in Amed is not dead. Whoever supports you in the slightest has always been and will continue to be our target. An unprecedented isolation is being imposed on our leadership, the fascist Turkish Republic is pushing its limits more and more every day. We call out again to our patriotic youth and our people, we invite you all to take sides with us in this struggle, our struggle is not only limited to today, but will continue tomorrow. We invite all our patriotic people to this dignified struggle to expel the fascists from our lands."