Summon Your Strenght
Invoke Nurturing & Protection
Heal Root & Sacral Chakra Issues
Shantikai African Tulip Tree Master Flower Essence aids Root and Sacral Chakra Issues surrounding sexuality,safety and protection as well as releasing fears-especialy existential ones around birth and death.Email us at
Shanti Kai™ African Tulip Tree Master Flower Essence aids Root and Sacral Chakra issues surrounding sexuality, safety, and protection – as well as releasing fears – especially existential ones around birth and death. Known as “the King of the Flowering Trees”, its Essence can help you to draw in what’s needed to feel protected or safe, as well as to learn to self nurture. It may be especially beneficial if you are a new, single, or expectant mother, and struggle with feelings of inadequacy around parenting, or if you feel like you’re “not strong enough for life.” African Tulip Tree Essence can help you summon your inner, core-level strength, so you can fight off such feelings, as needed, to survive and thrive. It may also help ease identity issues related to gender, sex, or family of origin issues, as well as with cutting karmic ties that cause you to stay stuck in unhealthy habits, relationships and situations.Call at (808)-634-6284