
How Many Shrooms to Take for First Time: A Beginner's Guide

Are you interested in trying magic mushrooms for the first time? Do you want to know how much you should take to have a safe and enjoyable experience? If so, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about how many shrooms to take for the first time.


Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, have been used for centuries for their psychedelic effects. They contain psilocybin, a compound that can alter your perception, mood, and consciousness. While some people use them for spiritual or therapeutic purposes, others take them for recreational use. However, it's important to remember that magic mushrooms are illegal in many parts of the world and can be dangerous if taken irresponsibly.

Before you try magic mushrooms, you need to educate yourself on how to do it safely. This includes understanding the right dosage, preparing yourself mentally and physically, and having a trusted friend to guide you through the experience.

How Many Shrooms to Take for First Time

The first and most important question to answer is, how many shrooms should you take for the first time? The answer varies depending on several factors, including your body weight, tolerance, and experience with psychedelics.

As a general rule, it's recommended to start with a low dose of 1-1.5 grams of dried shrooms. This is known as a microdose and can give you a mild to moderate experience without overwhelming you. After you've tried a microdose, you can gradually increase your dosage if you want a stronger effect.

It's important to remember that magic mushrooms can have different potencies depending on the species, growing conditions, and preparation method. Therefore, you should always weigh your shrooms and use a reliable dosage calculator to determine your ideal dose.

Tips for Taking Magic Mushrooms for the First Time

Here are some tips to follow if you're planning to take magic mushrooms for the first time:

  1. Choose a safe and comfortable setting where you feel relaxed and free from distractions. This can be your home, a park, or a natural setting.
  2. Prepare your shrooms by drying, grinding, or crushing them into a fine powder. You can mix them with tea, juice, or food to mask the taste.
  3. Take your shrooms on an empty stomach to enhance their effects and reduce nausea. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and other drugs before and during your trip.
  4. Have a trusted friend or sitter who can stay sober and guide you through the experience. This can be someone who has experience with psychedelics or a professional therapist.
  5. Set an intention for your trip and prepare for the possibility of challenging or intense emotions. Accept whatever comes up and stay open to learning and growth.
  6. Stay hydrated, rest, and eat healthy foods after your trip to aid your recovery and integration.


  1. What are the effects of magic mushrooms?
  • Magic mushrooms can cause altered perception, mood, and thought patterns. They can also produce mystical or spiritual experiences, insights, and feelings of euphoria or anxiety. The effects can last from 4-6 hours or longer depending on the dosage and potency.
  1. Are magic mushrooms safe?
  • Magic mushrooms are generally safe when used responsibly and in a safe environment. However, they can be dangerous if taken in high doses or combined with other drugs or alcohol. They can also trigger or worsen mental health problems in susceptible individuals.

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