The two exams for RRB NTPC 2024 namely CBT-1 and CBT-2 are held throughout the country. And understanding the subjects and syllabus can help you ace these exams, making you breakthrough the first two requirements in order to fulfill your dream of serving the Indian Railways.
RRB NTPC 2024 exam pattern
While the official notification is not yet out, the basic pattern of RRB NTPC exam remains the same. The two tests namely CBT-1 and CBT-2 are choice-based question papers set in an online environment. With a total of 100 marks in CBT-1, you are given an hour and a half to give your best. For CBT-2, you are required to solve 120 questions in 90 minutes.
In these exams, there is also a provision of negative marking. As such, for every wrong answer, 0.25 marks are deducted from your total score while one mark is rewarded for each correct answer.
The subject pattern for RRB NTPC CBT-1 are:
No. of Questions
General Awareness
General Intelligence & Reasoning
Also, the subject pattern and number of questions for RRB NTPC CBT-2 are:
No. of Questions
General Awareness
General Intelligence & Reasoning
RRB NTPC 2024 Subject-Wise Preparation Tips & Tricks
Now that you are familiar with the subjects and the exam pattern, let’s get started with some hacks to score high in each subject.
With the weightage of 30 marks in the first stage CBT and 35 marks in the second stage CBT, and a subject many of you would like to ignore and avoid, it is important. No matter how much you fear math, you need to face it now. Because isn’t the way to our dreams through fear?
The syllabus is pretty simple with chapters like Number system, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and proportion, percentage, Mensuration, Time and work, Time and distance, Simple and compound interest, profit and loss to name a few. Although you might find it a bit difficult to deal with Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, there is nothing you can’t achieve if you put your mind to it. And then if you still find it a tough nut to crack, you are always welcome to join our reputed institute and make your learning skills above competition.
For mathematics in general, you should:
- Get back to the basics. Understand the different formulas and algorithms and why they work in a certain way. This can make it easier for you to solve the questions, especially from Algebra.
- Focus on speed. Another important thing while preparing for RRB NTPC 2024, you need to remember that you have a limited time. And a limited time needs efficiency, accuracy and shortcuts. Once you grasp the basics, try to learn the shortcut tables and formulas.
- And no matter how much we stress it, it’s less. Practice past year papers. Because there have been many occurrences of repeated questions and you can be lucky too. But even if not, the question paper pattern is actually based on past year themes and it is really helpful for the exam.
General Awareness and Current Affairs
This section holds a heavy weightage in both the levels of the exam. In the first stage of CBT, there are a total of 40 questions, while the second stage of CBT has a total of 50 questions. Question topics under this section include a variety of topics from current events around the world, mostly the time period is six months. Topics include events of National and International Importance, Games and Sports, Art and Culture, History of India, Common Abbreviations, Indian Polity, and Governance, etc.
The section is not only important but also tricky for the students preparing. And hence a scoring strategy is highly needed. Some of the tips you can use to ace this subject includes:
- Try watching news daily for atleast ten minutes. Cover the major headlines.
- You can try maintaining a notebook where you write down all the major events happening around the world in short, gist bullet points.
- Try subscribing to some world event magazines or something as such to increase your general knowledge.
- You can also try our revision sessions at Power Mind Institute.
- Practicing from past year questions is a must, especially for the historic ones.
- Make a habit of discussing current events with your friends if you can. Schedule a time in the week, an hour or two, where you and friends just discuss current topics. This can be very easy learning. If that’s not possible, you can join online discussion forums too.
General Intelligence and Reasoning
Another section of the RRB NTPC Exam and probably the easiest, if you understand the logic, is the General Intelligence and Reasoning section. It is also one of the most scoring sections with a weightage of 30 marks and 35 marks respectively in CBT-1 and CBT-2. The topics in this section include Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, and more.
To score the best in the General Intelligence and Reasoning section, you can follow these tips and strategies:
- Practice daily. Build a habit where you practice daily. It will help you sharpen your logical and analytical skills. While the subject seems easy and scoring, not practicing daily can lead you to nowhere.
- Understand the concepts instead of finding the answer. In the reasoning section, it just takes a snap of fingers to bring answers if you actually know the topic in depth. And if you find difficulty in understanding the concepts, you can avail our demo session now at
- There are a list of smart tricks which you can use while solving these types of problems. And while we can tell you all here, it would be easy for you to watch it and understand it here.
And lastly we would like to wish you all the best in your journey towards shining through RRB NTPC. And don’t worry, we are always around. And if you ever need our help, be it a doubt session, personalized guidance, or just a test series to check your preparation, remember we are just a call away. Connect with Power Mind Institute today to get the best RRB NTPC coaching classes in Jaipur.