
The Complete Guide to Twitch Chat Commands in 2023


The Complete Guide to Twitch Chat Commands in 2023 – Knowing these commands, it is possible to improve the use of the platform and monitor the chat closely. First, it is important to know how they are used. It is quite simple, the user must type the command in the text box and press the “enter” key.


Table of Contents

  • What are Twitch chat commands?
    • What are Twitch’s basic commands?
    • What are the commands of streamers and moderators?
    • What are the commands for streamers and editors?
    • What are the unique streamer commands?
  • FAQ
    • What are Twitch chat commands?
    • What are the existing commands?

What are Twitch chat commands?

But, it’s not just the name change that’s simple. To improve the user experience, Twitch chat offers different commands to make it easier for users to use and give more control to streamers and moderators to manage interactions. Thus, they depend on the settings of the application itself.

Simulate your transfer as a legal entity

What are Twitch’s basic commands?

The basic commands are those that can be used by all Twitch users when accessing the site. Check out the list of the main ones:

  • /mods: displays the list of channel moderators;
  • /vips: shows who are the channel’s VIP users;
  • /color {color name}: change the color of the username that can choose from pre-selected colors;

Read More:- https://streamingadvise.com/twitch-chat-commands/