
MMPc Heritage and Culture Initiatives





Modern technology prides itself on its numerous advancements. But we shouldn’t forget that all of what we see today has been built on a strong foundation set down by those before us.


In a time where most see heritage and culture as relics of the past, and as separate from us, we are putting in efforts to make it relevant. By reviving, sustaining and creating opportunities for people to connect and appreciate heritage and culture and its significance in their lives.


With this in mind, and appreciative of our own values and ethics, we put a lot of emphasis on preserving, propagating and celebrating culture and heritage. Not just local culture and heritage, but also respecting the same around the world.


The best place to do this is to begin in your own backyard. We have first put these beliefs to work in our organisation and in our own institution – Mukul Madhav Vidyalaya. Seeing the resounding results here, we have then set about to take this mission to the world. Reaching out to include other schools and institutions.


Our mission is further supported through collaborations with various organisations. We have undertaken several projects to safeguard invaluable assets and support struggling artists. Our initiatives include promoting traditional arts and handicrafts, organising and celebrating various cultural music festivals and setting up public libraries.


Through our efforts, we strive to safeguard and promote our cultural heritage, and keep our roots alive for future generations.


For detailed reports on specific initiatives, email us at reports@mmpc.in