
Infinity Cube Chapter 10 (Patreon Pre-Release)



Pulling up to the drive-through at Mime Jr's I immediately regretted the decision. 


"Hi Alice! Mei! It's been a while, I'm glad to see you two! Looking absolutely gorgeous as usual, you guys seriously have the best fashion sense out of everyone on campus." Millie, one of my classmates, blabbered on while we waited for our order to finish. 


"Thank you for the compliments Millie." I returned, trying not to sound too unemotional. Millie was exhausting, though I understood it wasn't particularly intentional. The girl was smart, but way too… Intense. Everything she did was at 100% and clearly contributed to her near manic personality. Either from overworking herself, of which I related with; for the most part, or from trying too hard to enforce her ideas and desires on others based on a false sense that because she enjoyed it, so would everyone else with just enough convincing. Resulting in the hyperactive e-girl being extremely overbearing for anyone unlucky to be in her sights. Mostly me and…


"I'm so sorry I wasn't able to make most of your stream today Mei! I was busy working, as you can clearly see. I'll definitely watch the VOD when I get off in a bit." She explained as if it was expected for her to watch all of Mei Lin's streams. Despite the fact we had no true friendship with the desperate girl, usually we tried to avoid her whenever possible. 


"Oh! Uh, thank you!" Mei Lin chirped back in slight surprise. She seemed… Spaced out. I guess anyone would if they had existed across three entire timelines. 


"So? What are you lovebirds up to tonight" Millie chimed in again, clearly determined to keep the conversation going as long as possible.


"We're heading down to the uni labs for Alice's project." Mei smiled warmly as she spoke but looking over I witnessed a momentary lapse of confusion wash over her face.


"Really? Ohh I see… You two have fun then, maybe I'll catch you there sometime, we should hang out more, it's been too long!"  Millie squeaked at us, finally relinquishing our food. 


"We'll see Millie. I'm actually very busy, but I'll let you know." I said while shooting Mei a harsh side eye after grabbing our order. I had no intention of ever contacting Millie at all. She was a nuisance shy of a creepy stalker. 


Once we'd finally left earshot of Mime Jr.'s I could finally breathe again and I was kind of pissed at my girlfriend i. "What the hell Mei!? Why'd you tell her we were going to the lab?" 


"I-I- I'm sorry! I'm not completely used to this entire universe you know. Millie used to be so sweet and she was a good friend… I mean in the other timelines I guess.. I completely forgot she was so.." Mei paused as she visibly shivered. "私生飯.."


I sighed heavily in response. "Yeah, she's pretty much the worst. I'm kind of surprised we could have been legitimate friends, but I guess that would've only been possible in an alternate reality." 

* * *


The university was a ghost town aside from a few film crew staff setting up by Bamagan Hall which was luckily for us, on the other side of the large campus. Since I had coaxed Ryan to 'borrow' a full access card from his Father a long time ago, getting in was trivial.


"I can't believe I was 32…" I mumbled to Mei as we walked down one of the many hallways of the incredibly large science wing of the school. "It's only four years but that's a lot of time."


"Yeah, I guess so. What's more baffling to me is kind of, well. My entire life is different, yours too, but I actually remember the differences." Mei responded, looking around somewhat anxiously. "I can't believe I actually know Mandarin now.."


"And Shanghainese, and French." I shrugged with a smirk. Mei wasn't a science major but she wasn't a pushover academically either. Her parents wouldn't have had it any other way.


"Oh yeah… I guess it's just. Fuck Alice. Two sets of my past are mostly the same up until we met a few years ago.


"In tenth grade." I corrected teasingly while pushing her slightly as we turned down an old auxiliary hall. It was the long way around but I was curiouser and curiouser on where the conversation would go. Much to the validation of my namesake.


"You were a lot more… Mature? Less playful. Even when I uh, kind of took advantage of your financial situation to get in your pants.." My girlfriend admitted with a long sigh.  "And most importantly my parents were {never} rich before and I barely had any connection to them. Let alone having been born in China."


"Really? In both of your previous timelines?" 0 new information only brought up more questions. I was 32 in those timelines, and we had never met before college. Now I'm 28 and we'd been dating since highschool.. "Ok, hold up. What about my PhD project? Before Friday night it was only just supposed to vibrate when detecting quantum signatures of , of that I'm certain. What's the contrast between my academics?"


"Well uh, nothing that I can think of. Same PhD program, same project. Although neither of us went to Barker Tree Academy. Presumably just regular public schools." Mei answered, looking up at me as she waited to see where this was going.


"Four years younger, same PhD program, same project." I said mostly to myself, thinking out loud. "That means either I'm just a lot smarter now, or I had more opportunities to advance than before. Maybe even both." It also meant that the causal shift not only bent around our relationship but also my PhD project considering that I'm four years ahead in relation to my age. "Do yo-"


I was cut off by Mei Lin shaking my arm when something caught her attention. When I turned my head to see what she was looking at I nearly tripped over myself. 


The most impossible woman was heading towards us, walking out of the very laboratory we were going to. She was about as tall as me.. No, she was wearing red stilettos? No, that's not it either. It felt as if I was watching multiple unfocused layers of this strange woman, each one overlapping each other as she moved, before my eyes eventually adjusted and the optical illusion that was her body finally collapsed into a single concrete image.


The outfit was all pure white, making it hard to figure out where one part ended and another began. As far as I could tell she was wearing knee-high heeled boots and pantyhose which were connected to a short, tightly fitted fabric dress. The same fabric covered her wrists up to her thumbs like long gloves, but I couldn't tell if it was connected to the dress due to her lab coat; the only thing that didn't look out of place at a university laboratory. Her outfit was topped off with a simple but elegant cropped underbust. I had no words.. 


I could sense Mei Lin basically drooling next to me but I couldn't look at my girlfriend. We were both absolutely transfixed on this woman. Her beauty was downright supernatural, and her tits… Fuck. I don't think I could have described them if I tried. They were gargantuan, and yet they didn't seem comical on her body. Perfectly proportioned, perfectly shaped, and they were getting closer.


"Mei Lin, Elizabeth. I've warmed up the equipment already," She greeted, only a few feet away before continuing right past us. We didn't turn around. Neither Mei Lin nor I moved at all. Almost like… The woman's heels clicked loudly through the hall as she stopped just behind me. "Contradiction, is a powerful weapon."


A shiver went down my spine, and I could feel her breath as she spoke into my ear, but when I finally turned around she was already rounding the corner at the far end of the hallway.


"What the actual literal fuck was that?! Who the hell is Elizabeth??" Mei Lin gasped. "Most importantly, did you see those tits?! They were insane!" 


"How could I not…" I responded quietly. My mind was preoccupied with other more important thoughts than just tits. Ok, that was a lie. Still, the entire encounter didn't go over my head in the slightest. "She must be related to what happened to my project. I used to be Elizabeth. No one remembers that she ever existed, not even me. I only know because of the cube's records."


And what did she mean by 'Contradiction is a powerful weapon'? It felt like she was tipping me off on something, but I couldn't tell if it was a warning or advice.


"So you're saying that was a Goddess?" 


"Maybe? She definitely wasn't a normal person."


* *


We continued to speculate about the mystery Goddess while setting up in the lab. Which didn't take long at all. The specifically specialized computers and instruments I needed were as the lady has said 'warmed up' and ready to go. I carefully took the cube out of my purse and was very relieved when it still connected into the system exactly as I originally designed it to. Though after running my custom made diagnostic program the OS nearly crashed from the sheer amount of errors calculated. They were recursive for the most part which meant I could probably fix most of them by reworking the root code. 


"Make sure to blur out-" 


"Yeah yeah, I know babe." Mei Lin rolled her eyes before continuing to take increasingly provocative selfies with the various proprietary high tech machines. I didn't take her to the lab often, mostly just because she didn't like just sitting around while I worked. It was one of the main reasons she took up streaming in the first place considering how much academics ate up my free time.


I spent a lot of time just looking over the code and notating the differences from my unaltered project backups. Actually fixing the errors was pretty simple from there. A lot of it was just misplaced numbers, random characters, and even incompatible syntax from various programming languages. Once that was done I decided to take a crack at the stuff I wasn't as familiar with, the parts that could change reality. Though at first I was unsure how to even start, until I found a mysterious program in the bin folder that I hadn't noticed before. "run me.exe" I read out loud to myself. Cheeky.


The UI that popped up was unlike anything I'd seen before. It looked sleek, professional and trademarked under 'PRIME R&D™. A detail leading me to conclude the mystery woman must have been 'Heliya', the one who gave me the ability to confirm if something was directly altered by the cube. Either way, this was promising. Even if extremely suspicious; the chance to explore something so complex and novel scratched an itch in my brain only rivaled by my love for huge tits. I’d hit the goldmine.


"我操! 我妈妈两天后要来访!” Mei Lin yelled as she’d come back into the room, having stepped out to take a phone call. I nearly jumped out of my skin having been so focused on exploring the new program. 


"What do you mean she's visiting in two days!? That's.." I paused to take a deep breath and let out a long sigh, reminding myself to relax. We could both be pretty impulsive; but it was in situations like this that I knew I had to step up and maintain a solid mature composure, for Mei Lin’s sake. "Yeah that's just like her isn't it. We better start preparing when we get home." 


"Why are you so calm about this? She's… She's.."


I turned my chair to see my girlfriend on the verge of tears and it tugged at my heart. "She's your Mother Mei Mei." I responded simply before glancing back at the still open program ‘Infinitum v3’.


"I know I just.. I never had a connection to my Mother before and now? I love her and I hate her and it's just so-" 


I decided to take a break from the cube and comfort Mei Lin, rushing over quickly while simultaneously throwing off both my shirt and bra in one fluid motion in order to fully embrace my girlfriend's face with my tits. I had to shift my weight a bit awkwardly to make it work but I could have cared less. Mei Lin was my everything. "Shhh it's alright babe. I know your relationship with your family is tough and I understand that your multiple experiences don't make it any easier." I spoke softly, caressing the back of her head as we held each other in the middle of the lab room. "But we're in this together. I don't care why or how our relationship started, be it reality manipulation or fate or whatever. We've been together for thirteen years now, even if you remember worlds where we hadn’t, for me this is it. This is us.” There was a long silence where I just held her.

“I’m calm Mei, because I have you. You have me. We’ll be fine, and.. Well it’s been what? Two years since you’ve seen her? Yeah it’ll be hell, but you won’t have to suffer it alone.” I giggled.

“Thank you..” My girlfriend whimpered. I felt her finally releasing the tension she’d been holding in her body all day. “You fucking slut.”

“!” I squeaked in both surprise and pleasure when Mei started groping my tits relentlessly. “M-Mei oh! You’re the damn slut!” I shot back, yet made no effort to stop her.

“So soffftt, I could squish these fuckbags forever.” The small woman exclaimed while practically melting into my cleavage, slowing down the assault on my breasts. “I guess we have no choice anyway.” She eventually added before pulling back. “Wait, aren’t there cameras?”

“I’ve had them on an empty loop since we got here, and bugged the access key slot. I’d hacked into the security system for the building years ago. You know, so I can grope myself in peace?” I smirked. I didn’t do it often, but with my many late nights here, I had to find some way to relieve my stress.

“Yeah, babe, you’re definitely the slut.” She smiled back. “You’re too damn smart for your own good, better knock you down a few IQ points.” Mei giggled, licking my left nipple causing me to gasp sharply. The room was usually kept at a rather low temperature for some particularly sensitive equipment; a perfect description of how I felt as Mei Lin began sucking.

“Can’t get enough? Clearly y-you’re the slut. No doubt abou-! About it.” My breath got heavier every moment, it felt so amazing I’d completely forgotten what we were talking about. Mei Lin never stopped groping my right breast this whole time either, squeezing into it like a stress ball; a somewhat accurate assessment. "Wait, wait, y-yellow." I stammered out before I lost my train of thought entirely.


Mei Lin lingered for just a moment but backed off slightly, looking up at me with wide concerned eyes, searching for any sign of distress that would have caused me to call a safe word. 


"I'm alright Mei Mei.. Just not super comfortable fucking like this on campus." I was blushing hard, it wasn't often that I ever used a safe word, and while as sexual as we could be, there were still limits. "Sorry.."


"Fine, fine. Then let's hurry up, because I'm horny as fuck and I need to fuck." Mei pouted, clearly grumpy as she walked over to my discarded clothes and tossed them in my direction without looking at me. Either because she was annoyed or just to avoid gazing at my still exposed tits. “You owe me. I get to use the cube first. Understood fuckpet?” 


I squirmed. She’d set the tone of the dynamic going forward and I'd had no choice but to follow. I was still her loyal devoted fuckpet afterall. “Yes Mistress.”