
Dr. Akshay G. Narawad |M.B.B.S. M.D. (General Medicine) |Arthritis Problem and Its Symptoms

An estimated more than 40 million people suffer from arthritis, an inflammatory condition that damages the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are the two most common types of arthritis, while there are more than 100 other variations. If left untreated, both kinds can result in disability, joint pain, and inflammation. A diagnosis of arthritis indicates that you have a chronic pain condition, which can make it difficult to lead an active lifestyle. The discomfort, stiffness, and swelling in your joints may significantly reduce your quality of life, but arthritis need not prevent you from being active and happy. Here are eight guidelines for managing arthritis Suggested by Physician Dr. Akshay G. Narawad

Exercise Regularity Treats Arthritis

Your joints stay mobile with regular, minimally invasive exercise. It is excellent for treating arthritis since it lessens pain and stiffness. Choose joint-friendly activities that will help you grow muscle. Swimming, walking, and cycling are all practical options for those with arthritis. Consider adding light stretching to your normal routine in addition to cardiovascular exercise. Having Arthritis and Knowing When to Relax. Being active is important if you have arthritis, but so is being aware of your body. Don't be afraid to stop and rest when you feel the need to. Elevate sore joints and apply heat or ice to reduce pain and inflammation. Arthritis pain can be reduced by applying a heating pad for 20 minutes at a time. After exercise, ice can be used to alleviate sore muscles and inflammation. packs.

Consume a low-inflammatory diet.

Inflammation is a key cause of joint pain and stiffness in people with arthritis. By reducing inflammation in the body, certain foods can consistently assist in managing arthritic pain. Consider including fish, fresh produce, nuts, legumes, fruits, and other anti-inflammatory foods in your diet. Bread made from whole grains and other high-fiber foods can also help to reduce inflammation.

Keep Your Weight Stable

If you are overweight or obese, losing weight can significantly lessen joint pain. By making little lifestyle changes, you may lose more weight and keep it off permanently. If you are currently at a healthy weight, maintaining it with a balanced diet and regular exercise helps prevent joint discomfort from getting worse. weight. Boost your natural vitamin intake. Numerous vitamins, minerals, and supplements may reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. Zinc, calcium, iron, and magnesium are just a few of the vitamins and minerals that are essential for overall health. Some arthritis sufferers may get relief from their symptoms through foods like capsaicin, turmeric, and other nutrients. Speak with your medical team to learn more about which supplements might be a helpful addition to your arthritis management plan.

Utilize assistive technology

If you have arthritis, don't feel guilty about using devices that make daily activities easier on your joints. Using a walker or cane as an assistive device may make walking easier. Some people may find comfort in shoe insoles. You can enhance your capacity for using assistive technology to carry out regular tasks, which will enhance your quality of life and help you manage your condition.

Quit Smoking

Smoking causes a number of health issues, including arthritis. Toxins from cigarette smoke directly affect the connective tissue surrounding joints and may make arthritis worse. smoking also increases your risk of post-surgical complications. Some patients choose joint replacement surgery as a treatment for arthritis, but smokers may not be able to use it safely.

These are some of the Problems faced by a Person who suffers from arthritis. and Some Precaution methods to avoid arthritis problems. So, If you are facing any problem-related arthritis visit your nearest Hospital or Contact us at The Physicians Clinic


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