
Interview with Rocket Propulsion Genius, David Adair

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Hsaive @Hsaive · Jun 10, 2023
Propulsion and math genius, David Adair discusses advanced "Symbiotic" Technology in a captured UFO engine at Area-51.


At age 17, Avid Adair had invented a rocket powered by "electromagnetic fusion containment" (EFC) and was invited to tour a restricted hangar inside Area-51 after he had successfully launched his own EFC powered rocket.


Adair was escorted deep underground where a captured but damaged UFO engine was on display. He recognized the engine as a larger and advanced type of EFC propulsion and was allowed a hands-on inspection.  While probing, Adair noticed a biologically quality to the metal that reacted to his touch.  In his description, it could be said that the symbiotic engine exhibited transhumanist via artificial intelligence (AI) qualities when it also physically reacted to Adair's probing including changes in Adair's state-of-mind from curious to agitated.  
Adair concluded the symbiotic UFO engine is part metal and part AI mimicking a biological being.  He claimed the symbiosis allowed the pilot to mentally control and interact with the engine without the need for wires while allowing 2-way symbiotic communication between pilot and "engine".  In this example, the engine could take on the attributes of an AI co-pilot.
Adair also described the engine damage as more like a 'flesh" injury than typical metallic impact damage. This implies the engine is a created "beast" with some degree of DNA heritage.
This transhumanist concept realized through artificial intelligence (AI) is more than robots - it fits with an extreme transhumanist agenda that has not been lost on futurists who imagine a more literal fusion of man and machine for many applications including overcoming the human body limits of space travel.