My own album but waters-above NOT my NOR „our”
•Mie scattering produces orbital/s morphology of results, or VERY similar in geometrical nature. => So it [Mie/R-h] CANNOT reach under clouds, as contrary photos I shot depicts.
> amount of clouds above terrain is too big to light have path in the Copernican-compatible theories (C/C are some optics, strictly about refraction) & flat Earth (also! Lack of light rays semi-field sunlight FILLING/albedo field === day-night cycle in the FE theories – FE has full NOT partial ground general albedo incorrectly).
•Thus, The skies does are heavens!!!!
G-d can’t be any human NOR demon / fallen etc. . He is strong, as even Strong’s Concordance name indicates.
Concave Earth theory contains optics, mechanics, even refraction.
Bible says simply: «OSEH MALAHAV RUCHOT» – to me, verse (passuk) indicates „forces” (beings…!) of displacing the clouds. Simple „engine” that behind daily experiences – theory of intelligent project.
Compare crap orbitals: