Hi Sorrelsausage, happy birthday! Ilysm, that’s why I made this edition of NTA with all of your favorite cats! Enjoy!
Fallowpaw: *deep inhale* CinderpeltBrig
yfootFeathertail! Come! Quick!
Cinderpelt: Hi, Fallowpaw! How are you?
Fallowpaw: Oh my StarClan, CINDERPELTTTTT!!!!!! My idol!!! Ilysm!!! But I called you guys bc it's Sorrelpaw's birthday! I need you for my gift!
Riverstar: Kewl!
Hollyleaf: Please explain yourself.
Fallowpaw: I'm gonna play NTA with u guys and then make it a short and give it to Sorrels! Also, Ilysm, Hollyleaf!!!
Hollyleaf: Thank you! I think I remember you, btw! You're Fallowpaw, host of round 1 of NTA which I did with my brothers!
Fallowpaw: Omg, Hollyleaf remembers me! *faints* But let's start the NTA! Cinderpelt, this is Cinderpaw, ur reincarnation! Name her!
Cinderpelt: CinderCOPYCAT!!! Mez the real Cinder!
Fallowpaw: So true!
CinderCOPYCAT: 😭😭😭😭
Fallowpaw: Brightheart, here's Swiftpaw! Aka the reason your face got ripped off, btw! What will you name him?
Swiftpaw: Brightheart, Ilysm, people ship us, u know! Do you wanna be my mate?
Brightheart: Ew no, I want Cloudie Boi! Ur name is Swiftrecklessisdumbenoughtofightbloodthirstydogs!
Swiftrecklessisdumbenoughtofightbloodthirstydogs: Noooooo, I love u!
Cloudtail: *appears* HOW DARE U, SWIFTIE???? BRIGHTY IS MY MATE!!!
Swiftrecklessisdumbenoughtofightbloodthirstydogs: HELP MEEEEEEE!!!
Fallowpaw: Your turn, Moth Flight! Name Skypaw!
Moth Flight: Wha? *stares at Fallowpaw in confuzzlement*
Fallowpaw: Name Skypaw!
Moth Flight: Oh, that you were saying... SkykilledmysweetieMicahandshouldfeelguiltyafjlgouruguhitgkt
SkykilledmysweetieMicahandshouldfeelguiltyafjlgouruguhitgkt: MUHAHAHA, NOW I'M LEADER AND MY NEW NAME IS SKYSTAR!!!!
Moth Flight: Noooooooooooooooooooo, Micaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Fallowpaw: Oooooooookaaaaaaaaaaay, well, I don’t ship MothMicah so no problem for me! MothPebble for lifeee!!!
Moth Flight: I want Micah😤
Fallowpaw: Shut up, shut up, don’t be so picky for StarClan's sake! Hollyleaf, here's Randompaw, a very random cat who does random stuff like breaking the warrior code.
Hollyleaf: Afgkfkydyfmjgigkkudjfj, BREAKING THE WARRIOR CODE?????? RANDOMPAW, YOU'RE NOW RANDOMSHAME 3.0!!!!!!
Fallowpaw: Hollyleaf had named a lot of cats shame by now...
Hollyleaf: WHAT DID YOU SAY?
Fallowpaw: Nothing😇
Hollyleaf: Ok, otherwise you’re Fallowshame 4.0!
Fallowpaw: Ummmmm... I think I prefer Fallowspeck... But Riverstar still needs to name someone! Riverstar, name Randompaw 2.0!
Riverstar: (is vibing while wearing flowers in his fur and listening to hippie-ish 60's music)
Fallowpaw: RIVERSTAR!!!!!
Riverstar: Uggggggggh, don’t ruin the vibe! This is now Randominterruptstheamazingvibe. (does the exact same thing that he did before)
Fallowpaw: *sigh* Ok, Mistyfoot, your turn! Name Tigerpaw!
Mistyfoot: (calm) Tigerclaw, ig
Fallowpaw: That guy killed your brother.
Mistyfoot: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 MY POOR BROTHER😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Fallowpaw: Aren't you gonna name him something juicier? I like drama, y'know.
Mistyfoot: I don’t, let’s just stick to the reality, and that is that his name is Tigerclaw, right?
Fallowpaw: I suppose so...
Mistyfoot: Good.
Fallowpaw: Ok, then now, last but not least... FEATHARTAILLLLL!!!!!!! Name Sharppaw!
*Sharptooth the mountain lion barges in*
Hollyleaf: That's a mountain lion! Bringing those into Clan territory is against the code!
Fallowpaw: Ok *zaps to space* Better, Hollyleaf?
Hollyleaf: Much better!
Fallowpaw: Good, Feathertail, name him!
Fallowpaw: Interesting choice. SharpAAAAAAAAHHELPMEEEEE!!!, I hope you like your new name!
Fallowpaw: Yes, he loves it! Well folks, this was round 3 of NTA! Be sure to look out for round 4! Byeeeeee!