
Don't Neglect Your Hands: Why?

Our hands are essential parts of our body, and we use them every day without even realizing it. They're an integral part of our lives, from brushing our teeth to typing on a computer. But did you know that neglecting your hands can lead to severe problems? Find out in this article how Veda Medical's Hand Doctor in San Antonio can help guide you on why not to ignore hand-related medical issues.


How Our Hands Help Us Perform Everyday Tasks


Our hands are one of the essential parts of our body when it comes to performing everyday tasks. From opening doors and picking up objects to cooking and cleaning, our hands help us do everything we need to do each day. That's why it's essential to care for them and not neglect them.


If you're experiencing any pain or problems with your hands, see Hand Surgeons near me San Antonio immediately. At Veda Medical, we have a team of experienced hand doctors who can help you with any hand issues you may be having. We offer various services, including treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and other conditions. We also provide surgery for those who need it.


No matter what hand issue you're dealing with, we can help. So don't wait – call us today and schedule an appointment with one of our hand doctors in San Antonio.


Common Hand Injuries and Illnesses


Your hands are some of the most complex working parts of your body. They're constantly in use, from typing on a keyboard to cooking dinner. So it's no surprise they're also susceptible to injuries and illnesses. Here are some of the most common hand injuries and diseases and what you can do to prevent them:


Carpal tunnel syndrome: This condition is caused by compression of the median nerve as it passes through the wrist. It is often seen in people who perform repetitive motions with their hands, such as typing or knitting. To prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, take breaks often and stretch your wrists regularly.


De Quervain's disease: This condition affects the tendons that run along the thumb side of the wrist. It is often seen in new mothers who spend a lot of time holding their babies or people who perform repetitive motions with their thumbs. To prevent de Quervain's disease, take breaks often and avoid excessive use of your thumbs.


Trigger finger: This condition occurs when one of the fingers gets stuck in a bent position. The finger may straighten with a pop or snap. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, and a sensation of clicking or locking when you try to move the affected finger. Trigger finger is often seen in people who perform repetitive motions with


Treatment Options Available


The most common treatment option for hand pain is an over-the-counter medication. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve) are both nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that can help reduce inflammation and pain. If you don't find relief with NSAIDs, your doctor may prescribe a more vital medication, such as a corticosteroid.


Another treatment option is physical therapy. A physical therapist can teach you exercises to improve your hands' strength and range of motion. Therapeutic ultrasound and electrical stimulation are other possible treatments.


If your hand pain is caused by arthritis, your doctor may recommend joint replacement surgery. This procedure involves replacing the damaged joint with an artificial one made of metal or plastic.


How to Properly Care for Your Hands


Our hands are one of the most critical tools, so taking care of them is essential. Here are some tips from our hand doctor in San Antonio on how to properly care for your hands:


  • Keep your hands clean. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before and after meals and after using the bathroom.


  • Moisturize your hands. Dry, chapped skin can lead to cracks that allow bacteria and viruses to enter your body.


  • Protect your hands from the sun. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage the skin on your hands, leading to wrinkles and age spots. Wear gloves or sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher when you're outside.


Following these tips can help keep your hands healthy and looking their best. 


Prevention Tips to Avoid Injury and Illness


If you work with your hands regularly, it's essential to take steps to prevent injury and illness. Here are some tips from Veda Medical's hand doctor in San Antonio:



Wear gloves when working with chemicals or other potentially harmful substances.


If something doesn't look clean, avoid contact with it.


If you start to feel pain, stop what you're doing and give yourself a break.


Stretch your hands and fingers periodically throughout the day.


See a doctor if you experience any persistent pain or other symptoms that concern you.


We hope this article has convinced you of the importance of taking proper care of your hands and given you a better understanding of why it's essential. The Hand Surgeon San Antonio, Veda Medical, is here to provide expert advice and help if you need specialized hand care. Don't neglect your hands any longer - make an appointment with us today for a consultation and start feeling the difference!
