
Work X

 The Internet of Jobs: X Jobs Shaping the Future of Employment






Work Use the X platform for yourself and we can't wait to show you, but we're not there yet. In the meantime, we wanted to give you a sneak peek. Only for you as a member of our community. It is important to remember that this first version is focused on the first functional application with core features; There is still a lot of work to be done before we can get the most out of Work X and ensure the platform is at the aesthetic level you expect. However, this release is a very important foundation for the future, we have built everything in a very modular way to ensure it is ready for development.


Work Since Jobs Instead of exceeding WL's request by 30x, we decided to reward core contributors only.  The Internet of Jobs — The first fully decentralized job economy with no middlemen charging up to 40% — The future of work is P2P!

Anticipating the Future with Work X



The synergistic collaboration of Work X, TEN, and Whyz is based on shared aspirations and goals.  By Combining futuristic technology and visionary leadership, this partnership is expected to foster a systematic, efficient and beneficial framework for global organizations and professionals.

Progressive Achievements so far



  • Launching Enterprise Client
  • Funded by the European Commission
  • Raising 3M USD — Runway: 36 months
  • 10+ Hackathon prizes (Aave, 1inch, WalletConnect, VeChain & more)
  • Product works using AI Assistant — Building team since 2017
  • 50+ Companies plan to use Work

X Work Paradigm Shift Features



Work X, a buzzword synonymous with recruitment innovation, offers a range of features:

  • Generative AI Assistant: Work X's AI-based tool that customizes job descriptions and enriches talent profiles to perfection.
  • Decentralized Identity: A feature exclusive to Jobs
  • Peer-to-Peer Collaboration: Work X's innovative cost model guarantees competitive wages for talent and minimal service costs for companies.
  • Verified Reference: Works
  • Unbiased Recruiting: Work X's advanced algorithms ensure candidate-employer alignment based on genuine performance metrics.

Assessing Competency by Considering Future Workforce Needs



A candidate's academic performance in college, as demonstrated by their grades and degrees, is traditionally considered the most important factor employers consider when making hiring decisions.  A candidate's educational qualifications say a lot about him, but they are not a reliable indicator of his true knowledge and abilities.  A person's abilities, characteristics and preferences can be measured in more detail thanks to the development of individual assessment methods [9].  These measurement points are what we call 'indicators' of how well the job is being done.  To determine the best match between organizations looking for new talent and individuals looking for new teams, we will first measure teams looking for new talent, then measure individuals looking for new teams.  By doing this, we will reduce the number of mismatches that occur in the labor market and guarantee the right distribution of talent everywhere.


Who Owns the Data?

People are losing control not only over their data but also over their profession and personal life progress.  In the early days of the internet, the value of data was underestimated by most people.  Big tech businesses that concentrate on data can benefit from this, and they are building new business models with free services in exchange for users' personal data.  These companies include Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn.  People are slowly starting to realize that they need to restore control over their personal data, as well as their education and growth, because it can be used against them.  This happened at a time when technology was developing rapidly.  Work



Throughout history, businesses have generally been reluctant to share their data with other businesses due to concerns about their customers' privacy and, ultimately, the risk of losing their competitive advantage.  This greatly hinders their capacity to obtain useful information and develop accurate artificial intelligence.  We have a strong belief that people should have access to their personal data.  We consider this to be a win-win situation for individuals and businesses, and a path to economic success and fair personal achievement.



Cost Efficiency with Job X

Work X doesn't just deliver innovation;  it's also cost-effective.  When companies create job openings, they only have to pay a small fee to cover the costs of running & maintaining the Job. Learn more at  www.workx.io  and whitepaper.

The Future is Bright with Job X

APG pioneered this path by adopting a Work X strategy, positioning itself as a data-driven innovator.  As the digital world continues to evolve, Work X's commitment to leveraging AI, machine learning and data analysis sets it apart.  Dive deeper into this offering at  www.workx.io.

In the bigger picture, Work X is not just about one organization.  This vision includes the transformation of the entire employment ecosystem.  With a platform like  www.workx.io,  the potential for change is limitless.

  • Token Distribution and Fund Allocation


At the Token Generation Event (TGE), the tokens and funds generated will be allocated proportionally to various use cases and operations. In the “Vesting” column of Table 1 you can see the vesting period of each of these token allocations in months. Not only do tokens purchased by early buyers have vesting periods, in fact buyers have some of the lowest vesting periods while most of the Work For example, the DAO in question will open its funds gradually over 5 years without any tokens being opened on TGE.




Token Distribution and Fund Allocation

At the Token Generation Event (TGE), the tokens and funds generated will be allocated proportionally to various use cases and operations. In the “Vesting” column of Table 1 you can see the vesting period of each of these token allocations in months. Not only will tokens purchased by initial buyers have vesting periods, in fact buyers have some of the lowest vesting periods while most Work X allocations vest over longer timeframes. For example, the intended DAO will unlock its funds gradually over 5 years without any tokens being unlocked on the TGE.












Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Work

As we navigate the dynamic landscape of the modern workforce, Internet of Work Jobs, facilitated by Work X, represents a paradigm shift that empowers employers and workers to thrive in an ever-changing professional landscape. As the gig economy continues to gain momentum, Work X stands as a beacon, lighting the way to a more agile, connected and economically sustainable future of work.

For More Information about Job X

Official Site:  https://landing.workx.io/

Official White Paper:  https://content.workx.io/whitepaper/Work+X+Whitepaper+V6.pdf

Official Twitter:  https://twitter.com/WorkX_official

Official Telegram:  https://t.me/WorkX_Telegram

Official Discord:  https://discord.com/invite/workx

Official Medium:  https://medium.com/@WorkX

Official Linkedin:  https://www.linkedin.com /company/kerja-x-internet-kerja/

Forum Username: NabilFekir

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3509132