Sports games
Sport can make the participant work in a team spirit and therefore develop a problem-solving attitude towards life. Physical fitness is achieved by athletics. Games played all over the world include Cricket, Rugby, Basketball, Chess, Badminton, Tennis. Two categories in athletics are Olympic and Non-Olympic.
Games in India
India is home to a vibrant community enjoying a variety of sports. India has won a number of Olympic sports awards. It's the root of games like Basketball, Chess, Gilli Danda.
Chess is
Shatranj or Chaturanga are ancient Chess names. The archaeologist finds the ruins of this game some 1,500 years ago. It's a board game that needs a minimum of two players. This board is 8 x 8.
Kho Kho was born in India in the 3rd century. Therefore, kho kho is one of the oldest tag games in India in addition to kabaddi. There are 12 players in the band, 9 of whom join the field, and others sprint around the field. Plays facing the opposite way in a continuous line.
Polo is played back on ponies. It continued from the 6th century BC until the 1st century AD. In the 115th century AD, India created a modern polo by the emperor of Mughal. So, "Sport of Kings" is the other name of this tournament. In some places, polo was practiced by riding back on elephants, and so it was called "Elephant Polo."
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