

Desperate, Felix looked around for something he could genuinely split, without being mistaken as telekinesis or circus tricks. In desperation, he tried to split a potted plant from one side of the room to the other.


And then, by accident, he created a rip in space. Everyone stared in disbelief, as the center of the chamber became warped beyond recognition. One of the students picked a pen and threw it at the distorted space. Everyone saw it shifting as it traversed the distortion, only to reappear in a different side of the room completely undamaged.

Everyone was speechless, while Felix congratulated himself. He did it! He had finally achieved a feat none of the other spellcasters had been able to. He expected a standing ovation to follow.


But then, an uproar.


Things were not coming out the way he intended to. Felix looked around him: Murmurs, accusing fingers, suspicious looks.

Something had happened, but what?