
TATA Consulting Solutions opens up its ninth Facility in the country and Banca Afirme Launches Billú to secure Mexico’s Financial Sector as Mexico faces cybersecurity challenges in the sector. 


This week in tech: 



Uala’s Acquisition of ABC Capital Bank Approved  

The National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) in Mexico has approved technology company Ualá's acquisition of ABC Capital Bank. This move will allow Ualá to strengthen its value proposition in the Mexican market


Leveraging AI in Mexico’s Aviation Sector

Mexico's aviation industry is on the verge of a technological revolution with the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI). While AI brings increased efficiency and safety benefits, concerns arise regarding potential job displacement, especially for pilots.


CyberSecurity Challenges in the Financial Sector

Banking institutions and payment systems are particularly vulnerable targets for hackers, who see the potential for financial gain through fraud and identity theft. Unfortunately, the allocation of resources toward cybersecurity measures in some regions, such as Mexico, remains insufficient.


TATA Consulting Solutions Open Ninth Facility in Mexico

The inauguration of the new office on May 31 symbolizes a substantial financial commitment undertaken by the corporation. The technology company, which operates as a subsidiary of India's largest conglomerate, is expected to strengthen Mexico’s IT sector and promote cooperation between the two countries. 


Banca Afirme Launches Billú, A New Platform for Digital Banking 

Billú, aims to revolutionize the financial sector in Mexico by offering seamless and secure financial solutions through advanced technology and AI.  


Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities in the Oil and Gas Industry  

Collaboration between Axis Communications and Mexico's oil and gas industry aims to protect the country's vital infrastructure and financial stability from cyberattacks. With the potential for significant disruptions and financial losses, as well as safety and environmental hazards, securing the industry against cyber threats is a critical priority.


Generative AI Startups Flourish but Non-AI Companies Fall Behind 

The Mexican early-stage investment market is witnessing a significant divergence in valuations between generative AI startups and non-AI companies.


Challenges of Digitizing Mexico’s Electoral Process 

Mexico, with a history of fraudulent elections, has explored the potential benefits of transitioning from paper-based to computer-based voting systems. While challenges such as robust data storage and cybersecurity must be addressed, digitalization offers advantages like increased voter participation and cost reduction.


Industry Developments 

ChatGPT “Hallucinations” Could Get Business In Trouble   

The increasing popularity of ChatGPT as a productivity tool has raised concerns about the potential for data leaks and security breaches.


The Importance of Cyber-Securing the Healthcare Database

The healthcare sector, often overlooked as a target for cyberattacks, is not immune to the devastating consequences of such incidents. Cybercriminals jeopardize patient safety by compromising healthcare systems and impeding access to critical medical devices and records. 



CrowdStrike Unveils AI Specialized in CyberSecurity 

CrowdStrike, a renowned cybersecurity company, has introduced Charlotte AI, an advanced chatbot designed to revolutionize cybersecurity practices. The objective behind Charlotte AI is to democratize cybersecurity by making it accessible to users of all levels, providing actionable insights and innovative solutions for security breaches. 


Mexico-US Bilateral Cybersecurity Cooperation 

The two countries are engaging in bilateral cyber dialogues to protect the interests of online users and address the evolving technological threats.


CalTech Wirelessly Transmits Power From Space 

The Space Solar Power Demonstrator-1 (SSPD-1), equipped with the Microwave Array for Power-Transfer Low-orbit Experiment (MAPLE), has showcased its ability to wirelessly transmit power and beam detectable energy to Earth.


Hackers Increasingly Target Credit Cards: NordVPN 

A study by NordVPN revealed that a significant number of credit cards worldwide are compromised digitally rather than physically, emphasizing the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures.