About a decade ago, many people assumed that search engine optimization (SEO) was a way to manipulate search engine algorithms to rank websites higher. Cheating the algorithm to get ahead in rankings is called black hat SEO.
Many marketers utilized black hat SEO to get their websites to rank higher. However, with the advancements in Google’s algorithms, the landscape has significantly changed. Search engines have refined and advanced their assessment factors to a level where unethical black hat SEO techniques can do more harm than good to websites.
Instead of using shady black hat techniques to rank your website higher, you should aim to use SEO in a sustainable way so that search engines do not dismiss your website as fraudulent. So, to stay in the graces of Webmaster Quality Guidelines and follow ethical SEO practices, let us explore what black hat SEO is, and why you should not rely on it for ranking.
What is Black Hat SEO?
Black Hat SEO is a set of ill practices carried out in order to rank higher in Google search results. These techniques are called black hat as they are against the search engine guidelines laid out by Google. Some such commonly used SEO techniques include Keyword Stuffing, Cloaking, Paid Links, Doorway pages, Hidden content & Duplicate Content. Let us discuss each one in detail.
White Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO
Black hat SEO methods go directly against the various guidelines set up by search engines. Manipulating these guidelines and cheating your way to the front can lead to penalties levied by search engines. Still worse, you can be dropped entirely from search results. White hat SEO, on the other hand, is the most ethical and sustainable way to carry out your SEO activities without worrying about negative consequences.
Marketers should always rely upon white hat SEO methods. Offering a good user experience while simultaneously following search engine guidelines can prove to be a great benefit for websites. Not only is this technique sustainable, but can also result in higher rankings on search engine result pages (SERPs) for long periods of time.