
When and Why Are Angioplasty and Stent Placement Needed?

Your heart is the size of your fists and sits in the middle of your chest, slightly to the left. Though small, the organ is responsible for the efficient functioning of your entire body. The heart pumps blood that carries oxygen and nutrients your body requires for functioning. Coronary arteries play a significant role in the heart's functioning. They are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart.

They make it possible for the heart to beat and pump blood for your body. Coronary Artery Disease is a common heart condition where the arteries narrow or gets blocked. This results in reduced or stoppage of blood supply to the heart. The blood should be restored the earliest possible, or it could cause permanent damage to the heart or even lead to a heart attack. Heart angioplasty and stent placement is a viable treatment option. Let us know them better.  

What are angioplasty and stent placement?

Plaque is a fatty substance that attaches to the artery's walls, causing it to narrow or get blocked. This obstructs the blood supply to the heart. Angioplasty is a medical procedure that assists in alleviating the blockage in your artery. It involves using a tiny balloon to widen the artery. Post this, a stent gets a place. Stents are tiny wire mesh that keeps the artery open.

Typically, both medical procedures go together. If you have chest pain and feel something is not right, consult a doctor. Early diagnosis and angioplasty stent improve your chances of survival. They are also performed as an emergency procedure when you experience a heart attack.

How do angioplasty and stent placement work?

Angioplasty and stent placement are minimally invasive surgeries that are performed following as follows:

  • A small incision is made on your groin (the hip area between your abdomen and thigh) to access an artery.
  • A thin, flexible tube called the catheter is inserted through the incision.
  • Now, the catheter guides up to your Coronary Arteries. Fluoroscopy is an X-ray that helps the doctor find the concerned artery. Alternatively, a special dye gets used.
  • Once the artery is found, another small wire passes through the catheter. This wire has a balloon attached to its end.
  • Once the ballooned catheter reaches the blocked artery, it inflates to clear the blockage.
  • Simultaneously, a stent gets inserted. This prevents the artery from narrowing or blocking again.
  • As the stent is placed securely, the catheter gets removed. Blood supply through the artery restores immediately.

What happens after angioplasty and stent placement?

Post angioplasty and stent placement, you feel relief from chest pain and other symptoms you may have experienced. You may feel soreness at the incision spot, which goes away with time. The doctor prescribes painkillers and other medications, so ensure to take them. You should also be mindful of your eating and lifestyle habits.