
Small Business Call Center Services is a Validated Idea

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Live Salesman @Live_Salesman · Dec 12, 2022

Summary - For small business owners providing excellent customer support has been a long standing challenge. Outsourcing customer service support has been a long validated idea. Small business call center services have existed since half a century to fulfil this very need. These call centers are now multilingual call centers so as to provide customer support in almost all global languages. Multilingual call centers have the ability to consistently engage with the customer and take this engagement into revenue channel conversions.




Customer service has been a long standing Achilles heel for small business operators globally. They have been fighting this battel of bringing customer centricity to the core of their operations yet a noteworthy solution is still not available over the horizon. However there do exist a certain gentry of small business operator who have gone for small business call center services and plugged it with their helpdesk to achieve a higher degree of customer engagement. This gentry has reaped in huge dividends by undertaking such a simple intervention. Outsourcing customer service is not a new idea. Such multilingual call centers have existed since time immemorial. You just have to browse the internet for a while and you will be able to figure out the roots of these interventions as the need be.


The very idea of outsourcing customer service came into being post the Great War era of fifties and sixties when companies realized that in order to survive in the post war era where both human and capital resources became scarce, they have to go for cost optimization without compromising on customer care quality. The only way to achieve this cost optimization was to figure out which are the non-essential functions present in the organization and then look for means and measures to outsource these functions to some third party service provider company who can do a better job at it. Small business call center services thus started making remarkable strides in the industry.


Language has consistently been one of the key challenges while going for a good customer support. Organizations figured out that if they are able to outsource the customer support function entities which can offer customer support in multiple languages, so that the customer does not feel strangulated due to non-communication of queries. Multilingual call center have been instrumental achieving this to great effect. Even today you will find once you engage multilingual call centers, they have well trained executive who can speak in the mother tongue of the customer.


Once this sort of camaraderie has been achieved, customers tend to start trusting the brand faster and the resulting flow is translated into revenue channel for the brand. Outsourcing customer service as always being fundamentally done to increase customer engagement with a view point creating more avenues for multiple sales channel generation. Once a brand is capable to create more sales funnel, there is an automatic translation to revenue for this effect.




Once any small business associates with a multilingual call centre the basic need to offer customer support around the clock gets taken care of. Customer is looking to engage with the brand round clock and businesses need to understand this phenomenon. In today's era of fast communication, when internet is connected to every NOOK and corner of the world, the brand displaying time constraints of office hours, is no longer looked up upon as a good brand. If you search the internet you will find there are numerous studies done by reputed management Consultants who have time and again pointed out that a customer will immediately disengage with the brand if the brand is not offering customer support in the language of their choice.


Multilingual call centers bring this ability to the brand where in the brand offers a customer the choice of choosing a language he or she desires. Small business call center services when coordinated properly with multilingual call centre closes this gap with immediate effect. The recent pandemic induced economic slowdown have forced many small entrepreneurs to look for means and measures wherein they are able to run their operations with minimal staff support.


The phenomenon of outsourcing customer service is gaining tremendous ground amongst small business owners spread over Europe and America. Creating internal bandwidth human resources while trying to establish customer support centre is very prohibitive as far as cost is concerned. Small business Call Centre services attach teams which are sitting out on remote locations and are very well trained in all business functions and domains, to help take over the support function of excellent customer support from the brand. Since they are operating out of remote locations, the impending cost for acquiring small business call center services is low compared to what would normally be the cost hiring trained employees in regions like Europe and America.


The primary growth driver of business always have been strong focus on revenue generation. Organizations have traditionally deployed lot of resources achieving this meaningful feat. However in the post Corona era finding write the sources for the right fitment of the job has been increasingly becoming difficult. When organizations started looking at small business call center services in tandem with multilingual call centers, they were able to mobilize better revenue pipelines at a fraction of the cost. The beauty of outsourcing customer service is the fact that services can be obtained in a scale with immediate effect. A as a business person you are consistently looking for such kind of engagement which gives you superior client engagement and comes at low cost. Now you have a solution in front of you which takes both the boxes. Once the management team of the outsourcing customer service provider company aligns itself with the core philosophy of your business, the business process transition happens almost seamlessly.