With the warmer weather and the approaching Spring, there is a sense of renewed energy in the air. But for some of us, even the change in the natural environment doesn’t seem enough to get us going. Here are some easy steps to help you get motivated even in the summer months:
- Think positive thoughts.
One of the ways we keep ourselves down is when we listen to our negative thoughts – thoughts that tell us that we can’t, won’t, and nothing will change. Find ways to talk back to these negative thoughts and form a new mantra. An example, “Go tackle the world because I’m awesome!”
- Don’t compare yourself to others.
It seems like everyone is living the life in the summer – vacations, beach bodies, etc – and you may get frustrated because that isn’t what your life looks and feels like.
Don’t get suckered into what people post on social media. It’s often a skewed snapshot of their everyday lives. Enjoy what you have and remind yourself that everyone has their bad days.
- Get outside.
Something in our body changes when we interact with nature. Take a few breaths of fresh air. Enjoy the warm rays of the sun. Let the grass tickle your toes. You’re guaranteed to feel better after spending some time enjoying nature.
- Set small but specific goals. THEN reward yourself.
Life can seem overwhelming and tasks can pile up. Start small! It could be just vacuuming the living room carpet… Once you’ve completed that task, you might be itching to do more. Treat yourself to a reward when you’ve crossed something off your to-do list. Aim low, start small.
- Do something with a friend.
It’s definitely hard to be motivated on your own. Think of a goal and ask a friend to do with you. You’ll find that the task you had to do suddenly seems to pass much more quickly. Surround yourself with positive people and you might even find that rubbing off on you.
Here’s to a more motivating and productive spring! Enjoy!
With the warmer weather and the approaching Spring, there is a sense of renewed energy in the air. But for some of us, even the change in the natural environment doesn’t seem enough to get us going. Here are some easy steps to help you get motivated even in the summer months:
- Think positive thoughts.
One of the ways we keep ourselves down is when we listen to our negative thoughts – thoughts that tell us that we can’t, won’t, and nothing will change. Find ways to talk back to these negative thoughts and form a new mantra. An example, “Go tackle the world because I’m awesome!”
- Don’t compare yourself to others.
It seems like everyone is living the life in the summer – vacations, beach bodies, etc – and you may get frustrated because that isn’t what your life looks and feels like.
Don’t get suckered into what people post on social media. It’s often a skewed snapshot of their everyday lives. Enjoy what you have and remind yourself that everyone has their bad days.
- Get outside.
Something in our body changes when we interact with nature. Take a few breaths of fresh air. Enjoy the warm rays of the sun. Let the grass tickle your toes. You’re guaranteed to feel better after spending some time enjoying nature.
- Set small but specific goals. THEN reward yourself.
Life can seem overwhelming and tasks can pile up. Start small! It could be just vacuuming the living room carpet… Once you’ve completed that task, you might be itching to do more. Treat yourself to a reward when you’ve crossed something off your to-do list. Aim low, start small.
- Do something with a friend.
It’s definitely hard to be motivated on your own. Think of a goal and ask a friend to do with you. You’ll find that the task you had to do suddenly seems to pass much more quickly. Surround yourself with positive people and you might even find that rubbing off on you.
Here’s to a more motivating and productive spring! Enjoy!