
Factors To Consider For Designing A Successful Mobile App

Mobile App Design: The Complete Designer's Guide | BuildFire


Gone are those days when a mobile phone was merely a device of communication. Now you can book a ticket, order food, or pass your time playing engaging games – all with a few clicks. As the number of apps on our phones increases, so does the need for mobile app design services.


Mobiles are fabulous devices. They help us stay in touch with our personal and professional contacts and make our life smoother in a thousand ways. With the availability of many mobile applications, we usually rely on our mobile phones to make travel reservations, order our food, or even get groceries or medicines delivered to our doorstep.


Smartly designed mobile applications cater to an unfulfilled need of the user and gain widespread popularity due to good user interface and ease of use. You should keep certain factors in mind while creating a highly successful mobile app design.


Find What the Consumer Needs

Before creating a blueprint of any mobile app, you should conduct thorough market research to identify a particular need of your would-be consumers that have not been met by any of the existing apps in the market. A well-designed mobile app that serves no practical purpose is sure to fail.


Keep It Simple

For an app to be successful, you should ideally target a large chunk of the population. You should design an app meant for the masses and, therefore, not very complex. Remember that you are developing the app to make somebody’s life easier. Hence try to keep the interface of your application as simple as possible so as not to overwhelm the end user.


Divide Tasks into Smaller Bits

If your app involves multiple steps requiring the end user's involvement, then it shall be prudent to divide the same into small, easy-to-comprehend pieces.


For example, a mobile app that helps a user make hotel reservations shall require multiple inputs from the user, such as the location, dates, name, and other border details. If the app opens up a long boring form where the user is prompted to fill in the said details, it might seem unappealing and cumbersome. Such an interface could cause an unprecedented drop in your app's ratings.


A better alternative would be to display sequential interactive pages for each micro-task. That would make the user experience so much better.


These days, many reputed companies provide mobile app design services to aid the job of creators, thus relieving them of the stress and effort required.


Avoid Repetitive Tasks

Try to keep end-user efforts required for using the app to as little as possible. This can be achieved by minimizing the number of user input fields. Ask the user only what is necessary. The app should be smart enough to reuse the information already entered by the user instead of prompting the user to feed in the same data again.


Use Visual Aids to Your Advantage

Humans are visual creatures. As life becomes more fast-paced with each passing day, our attention span decreases at a matching speed. Now, we do not have the patience to delve deeper into the details of any app if it does not catch our eye at first glance.


To be popular, your mobile app should be visually appealing. Try to incorporate unique visual elements in your app that attract anybody who glances at it. Otherwise, the user will scroll over to the next app, utterly unaware that your app is probably loaded with multiple useful features.


Jargons Are Your Worst Enemy

An important point to keep in mind while designing any mobile application is the user base that you are targeting. While fancy, not-so-colloquial phrases might seem unique and elite, this tendency should be avoided while designing a mobile app.


Encountering unknown terms might feel off-putting for your target audience. Try to use lucid language and easy–to–grasp terms. This shall improve not only readability but also invoke a sense of familiarity among the users of your app.


Try to Use Consistent Design

Most applications tend to have multiple screens that the end user must navigate. All these screens must have the same look and feel not to overwhelm the person using them. The mobile app you are designing should eliminate all aspects of confusion. It should be both functionally as well as visually consistent.


A lot of effort and planning goes into designing an excellent mobile app. The app should be lightweight, user-friendly, and robust to gain immense popularity. Suppose you are looking for an experienced mobile app design company that would take the pressure of planning and proper execution off your shoulders. In that case, one of the most reputed agencies in this field is Neuronimbus.