Your house, enduring all kinds of weather over these years, is your largest investment. Built with carefully selected elements from paint and wood to the roof tiles, your house reflects the hard work you’ve put into it. It can only be strong because of the maintenance work that you must perform consistently.
However, when it comes to maintenance, it often happens that the pursuit of fixing one thing, you end up opening other problem situations. The best example of such an instance is fixing the roof problems. It always happens when maintenance work is performed that requires walking over the roof tiles that tiles are cracked and broken. Some examples are:
- Cleaning out gutters
- Clearing leaf debris off the roof and valleys
- Window washing and window replacement
- Painting
- Chimney cleaning – etc.
With supply house tile being out of stock, damaging the existing tiles makes it very difficult-to-impossible to find tiles that match color-wise and style-wise.
Here is the way out. Buy RoofSmart Pads and finish your roofing work in no time – and without damaging your existing tiles or hurting yourself.
RoofSmart Pads Save Your Time and Money on Roofing Projects.
Let’s explain this with the help of these features:
- Saves time on Roof Work
Roof workers with RoofSmart Pads avoid damaging the fragile tiles already on the roof. Workers don’t step directly on the tile and the workers don’t have to spend time replacing damaged tiles that were walked on during the job or project. Looking for the exact tile that the roof is made of is a timely and costly process that could be completely avoided overall.
- Eliminates Roof Tile Damage
These RoofSmart Pads have 1.5-inch polyurethane foam rubber bottoms. The polyurethane foam helps distribute the weight of the person standing on the Roof Smart Pad preventing damage to any roof tiles and dramatically improves your footing.
- Durable Materials
The RoofSmart Pads are made of durable ABS plastic. The ABS plastic RoofSmart Pad is light in weight and easy to transport. This tough material is responsible for its longevity of approximately 5+ years. Buying RoofSmart Pads is an investment that lasts for years.
- Additional Features of RoofSmart Pads
Roof Smart Pads are easy to use thanks to its features like handles and tie-off areas. With the help of a tie-off area, you can easily connect multiple pads, expanding the working surface. In addition, by connecting two or more pads, you can make walkways on the roof to access the various parts of it.
Now that you know that RoofSmart Pads do save you time and money, it’s time to go to online store and get it shipped to you right away.
1957 Duncan Street, Suite D, Simi Valley, CA 93065