Using a cellphone while driving can be dangerous as it's distracting and can cause accidents. It is responsible for over 5,187 accidents per year in Utah alone. If a driver has been involved in an accident because of cell phone usage, they will want to get a car accident attorney in case they face paying for damages that may or may not be their fault. Robert J. Debry & Associates can help with any car accident claims that were made against them.
Why Cell Phones Causes Distracted Driving
When a driver is texting or talking on the phone with someone, their mind isn't focused on the road while they are driving. Even if the driver uses Bluetooth, if they weren't paying attention because of a conversation, it can cause an accident. It is currently against the law to text and drives in Utah, as it will mean a $750 fine and at least three months in jail. At that point, the driver will be responsible for paying for damages and that means a car accident attorney is needed to help sort out the legalities. Whether it's a one-sided accident, usually rear or front-ended, or a multiple car accident where there are other parties involved, it's always a good idea to get advice from a car accident attorney on what to do next.
Be prepared
If a driver is involved in a car accident, often insurance information is exchanged between the two drivers. If the accident occurred in Utah, Robert J. DeBry & Associates can provide counsel on the next steps. They have an experienced car accident attorney who can help the driver's case with the accident whether that they are at fault. If the driver needs to contact one of their attorneys, there is always one available 24 hours a day to provide legal counsel.