
Jennifer Lavin Family Lawyer - Stay Away Chicago Illinois


A lawyer-client relationship is generally formed out of respect and empathy when the lawyer agrees to provide legal assistance or services to a needy client. In my case, I happened to meet a greedy wolf in disguise as a family lawyer. That lawyer, Jennifer L. Lavin, was a very clever swindler because she cunningly portrayed her first impression to me as that of a charming professional lawyer. In reality, her true face and selfish greed were so awful that I was yet to discover them. At that time, I was in one of the worst times of my family and financial crisis due to my nasty divorce taking place. All her promises to get me rid of my problems and worries sounded like music to my ears. That was all I wanted; I wanted myself and my children to escape the depressing troubles in life. Therefore, I trusted her and asked about her fee. She demanded a very high price for her services and assured me that she would put all her heart and keep me as a priority if I paid the full fee right away. It was challenging for me to arrange such a hefty fee for sure, and I did let her know of this. But to Lavin, money is everything that matters. She fooled me into believing her lies, and I ended up doing as she pleased. The worse part about this encounter was that it was all just a beginning of an unrelenting nightmare.