The Visual aspect of your store is an important part of capturing the attention of shoppers. A strong, eye-catching display can help to turn window shoppers into buyers and create a memorable in-store experience.
Your merchandising strategy needs to be cohesive and well-planned if you want your business to succeed. It's also a great way to project your brand's image and target specific groups of customers.
Identifying your target customer is the first step to developing a successful merchandising strategy that will attract and retain customers. This involves getting to know them as people, their interests and lifestyles. It's also helpful to keep an eye on your customers' shopping habits, so you can make changes as necessary.
Colour is one of the most powerful aspects of a visually appealing store design. Red, for example, conveys energy and urgency while blue can represent trust and responsibility.
It's also important to remember that color doesn't always mean "bling." It can also be used to convey meaning, such as a store's location. A good rule of thumb is to keep displays clutter free, regardless of how much merchandise they have.
The best way to do this is to use a range of display styles, including power walls and multi-level stands. These can be organized to feature your most popular items or latest styles.
For example, you might organize your power wall to showcase jeans from Old Navy, or a gallery of tea tins from your local tea shop. A well-designed power wall will not only get the job done, but it will also draw customers' attention to your other products.
Creating the right display is a challenge for any retailer. You need to think about the type of product you're selling, the features and benefits it offers and how it fits into the overall merchandising plan for your store.
In addition to planning and building display windows and layouts, a visual merchandiser will be involved in moving equipment and designing signage. They may also arrange lighting and work closely with suppliers.
If you're a small retail operator looking to enhance your business's merchandising strategy, consider hiring a professional visual merchandiser. They'll have the experience and knowledge to develop a cohesive merchandising plan for your store and help you achieve your sales goals.