
What exactly is Organic Germanium?



What exactly is Organic Germanium?


Organic Germanium is a chemical that has caused controversy. Some call it 21st-century salvation. The protection of human health is considered to have clean blood, enhance the immune system of the human body and improve the circulation of various cells in the human organs. You can prevent diseases and moisturize your skin as well as perform other functions. Furthermore, there's sufficient evidence to show that it is associated with certain kidney toxicitythat could result in a number of adverse reactions, including kidney failure, and can even be fatal. The research into germanium powder began in Japan and in the Soviet Union. In the 70s, it developed an innovative theory for organic crickets and was used in the food industry.


Organic germanium is classified as a classifier

Organic Germanium powder is divided into three categories that include synthetic Organic Germanium, natural Organic Germanium and organism Organic Germanium. The synthetic organic pheasant also known as a hydroxyethyl half-oxide cylinder, is a type antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer organic pheasant like GE-132 and Tamura derivatives. It is easy to cause calcium deficiency. Natural Organic Germanium is extracted from natural plants or consumed, and does not cause adverse or toxic effects on the human body Organic ravioli helps to implant the compounds in the body, such as yeast, bacteria, large fungi and vegetables, among others. To find out more details about health, you must browse biolyphar.com site.


Organic compounds can be utilized to prevent tumor activity through enhancing immunity, removing free radicals and enhancing resistance resistance. Organic Germanium atomic is used to coat many biological activity organic rigid compound molecules. It can be utilized to make sulfur, oxygen, or nitrogen negative atoms. Due to the absorption of electrons by them, the electronic cloud ionic nucleus surrounding the atomic atoms is formed. A positive power center. When an organic, rigid compound is in contact with tumor cells, its normal center may increase the energy potential and decrease its activities, which can inhibit and kill them.


What are the effects of Organic Germanium?


Organic Germanium far infrared radiation percentage of Organic Germanium is 92.1 percent. The wavelength is 8-10mUM. It is the most appropriate absorption frequency and wavelength for the human body. Far-infrared radiation can penetrate the human body and adsorb heavy metals and harmful substances. It is also able to help the body decompose to attain detoxification, beauty, and health. The present worldwide development and usage stage for Organic Germanium is at a top tier. It is currently studying the potential benefits to medical research of Organic Germanium. Organic Germanium has been dubbed the "protector" of human health.



Organic Germanium has a specific antioxidant effect on serums of arthritis patients or cancer patients. Organic Germanium blood clearing effects are to increase oxygen supply to blood cells within the blood. When the oxygen levels increase the viscosity blood decreases naturally and it is possible to eliminate by exclusion all the abnormal substances that are acidified, therefore the function in clearing blood. The hydrogen ions naturally rise as blood cells are actively working. The mix of blood cells with oxygen will rise at this point. Get rid of hydrogen ions with the action of Organic Germanium, make the blood clear, and keep the mental health.


Organic Germanium's effect on the body's anti-aging metabolism, as well as its ability to trigger cell activity, can have the result of prolonging life as well as hypoxic and inflammatory effects. Organic Germanium is also known as oxygen that can be consumed and can replace oxygen in the body. It may increase the use of oxygen and repair damaged cells. If a potential is separated from its normal location this can cause lesions and also organically trigger the possibility of preventing this occurrence, especially if it can cause the potential of the cancer cell membrane thus inhibiting the activity of cancer cell proliferative. Organic Germanium can enhance health levels and provide reliable protection for the spread of epidemic diseases.


99.99 Ge-132 powder is 99.99 percent effective. It is effective in cooling blood to stop bleeding, lowering vomiting, reducing fire, and clearing the liver. Its principle is the same as other iron-containing medicines, such as similar magnets. From the point of view of Chinese medicine Elements and trace elements absorb or expel extra elements and microelements to ensure that the body has a distinct positive value.


Utilization of Organic Germanium


It can be used as an nutrient-rich food and has been shown to boost the health of people.


It has been proven that it can be used in cosmetics or bath additives that are beneficial for the health of your skin.


It is used to warm the bathroom's water by using germanium.


Utilized as a liquid that can be used to enhance battery performance.


Are Organic Germanium safe?


It was proven to not be toxic in various tests, including acute poisoning, subacute/chronic poisoning reproduction antigenic, match (chromosomal anomaly) and reproduction.


What is the best way to take Organic germanium Ge132 powder?


To ensure your health, you can dissolve the powder in water and consume 0.3 to 0.5 percent of it every day. Please adjust the amount according to your health.