
What Is Crippling Depression?

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@anonymous · Mar 15, 2023

She talked openly about a variety of concerns, including feeling physically unwell, forgetting expenses and basic hygiene, losing her work because she was unable to function, and considering suicide.


Another participant remarked, "I would term it when you literally don't want to do anything." You are essentially confined to your bed, unable to eat or drink anything, and simply want to wilt away in misery.


Christine Fuchs, a therapist, described debilitating sadness in the same way after learning about it via her job. She cited a dramatic and extensive loss of functioning in all aspects of life. People with the condition have an overpowering sense of everything.

Crippling Depression Defined

Clinical depression (major depressive illness) that is so severe that it interferes with daily activities, such as working and living normally, is known as crippling depression. After a setback or a loved one's passing, some of those affected go through periods that continue for a few weeks or months. Other times, treating severe depression is impossible and it persists unabatedly.


Although each person who has had terrible depression has had a different experience, there are some similarities among them, such as trouble falling asleep or getting out of bed. Stefan Taylor, a mental health blogger, described his period of severe depression as causing him to drop out of college and spend "the whole day in bed."

Is Crippling Depression the Same as Major Depressive Disorder, or Something More?

Some mental health experts and people who experience depression think that major depressive disorder or clinical depression are merely synonyms for debilitating depression. It's true that a lot of people have used the phrase in this way, sometimes without realizing what it really means.


Popular terms used to describe mental disease occasionally do not originate from studies, academic institutions, or mental health groups. People who experience certain conditions instead characterise the severity of their symptoms and how it affects their ability to operate using informal language. This concept is perfectly shown by crippling depression.


But there is proof that the condition known as "crippling depression" differs dramatically from other types of illness. For instance, neither the Mayo Clinic nor the National Institute of Mental Health includes the incapacity to work when defining depression. These organizations appear to recognize that there are different severity levels for each type of mental disease.


People with mild depression frequently have symptoms that meet diagnostic criteria but do not significantly interfere with everyday functioning. Others are unable to go to school or have full-time jobs. The need to clarify this discrepancy gave rise to the phrase "crippling despair."

A Symbol of Accepting Depression as a Disability?

The term "crippling" and its variants have historically been used to denote physical impairments including the inability to walk, speak, or hear. The majority of people see these kinds of disabilities as real and deserving of support. The government frequently gives benefits to persons with disabilities, especially those who ask for help because of the difficulties they have in keeping a job.


Even calling oneself "a cripple" or "crippled" isn't always a derogatory term. Nancy Mairs described her life as multiple sclerosis patient who lost the complete use of her limbs in her renowned personal essay, "On Being a Cripple." She opted to call herself "a cripple" and said she wasn't embarrassed by the moniker.


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Recently, a growing number of organizations, mental health experts, and businesses have recognized depression as a handicap, including the World Health Organization. Similar to Mairs, those who experience it frequently claim to have debilitating depression and think that using such words is normal and realistic. When someone's symptoms they feel have crossed the line from a tolerable mental health condition to a handicap, they may refer to it as crushing depression.

How the ‘I Have Crippling Depression’ Meme Raised Depression Awareness

YouTuber Ian Carter, whose channel is called iDubbbzTV, posted a video on July 17, 2016, in which he jumps into a wheelchair and declares in an absurd voice, "I suffer terrible sadness." The video rapidly became a popular, long-lasting meme after going viral.


The joke was deemed insulting and inappropriate by many commentators. Many others answered by stating that they had depression and thought it was a significant issue.


Google Trends statistics show that there was not much interest in "crippling sadness" prior to the meme's popularity. The popularity of the word drastically decreased once the majority of viewers stopped being interested in the original video and memes. However, it stabilized at a level that was around five times higher than in prior years. It's conceivable that the joke inspired others who thought the word was a valid label for a specific mental health condition to use it more frequently.

We Need to Be Accepting of Crippling Depression

Although clinical diagnoses are useful and preferred, individuals have the liberty to give their ailments unofficial names. We must be understanding of the reality that some individuals believe that clinical terminology falls short of adequately capturing their experience.


Consider getting treatment through internet counseling if you suspect you may be suffering from incapacitating depression. There is a tonne of internet sites that provide guidance on overcoming depression. Read up on how to help someone with depression to be there for loved ones who could be affected by the condition. When you have loved ones at your side and support, the sickness is considerably less burdensome.


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